How to Enable LandClaimDevice

Discussion in 'Multiplayer Meeting Room' started by Bazslaz, Sep 16, 2020.

  1. Bazslaz

    Bazslaz Ensign

    Aug 21, 2020
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    Before you read this I highly recommend you first read this link on Playfield.yamls or you may be confused.

    LandClaimDevice is enabled on a planet by planet basis as there is no one place to enable it everywhere.

    Each planet has a Playfield.yaml if you wish to enable the landclaimdevice to work on a planet then you need to set the following setting in the playfield. yaml

    LandClaimZone: Device

    Once you have made that change, you then need to edit your gameoptions.yaml file. The Landclaimzone setting requires you set the AntiGriefDistance for PVP or PVE or both or it will not work. You may leave AntiGrief Ore distance set to zero and the dev's confirmed it is ok to do that. T
    he gameoptions.yaml can be found at the top level in the games scenario folder and will be copied over to the savegame folder when starting a new game. In this case, changes for a savegame need to be made there, and not in the scenario folder!

    The LandClaimZone: Device setting will ONLY apply to structures that have a LandClaimDevice. This includes POI's, if you want Antigrief to work on POIs and have set LandClaimZone: Device then any POI you want protected will need a landclaimdevice for Antigrief to work.

    LandClaimZone: Default

    If you don't want to mess with landclaimdevices and just want a generic AntiGriefDistance for everything then set LandClaimZone: Default Once you have done that, go to your gameoptions.yaml and set your AG distance for PVE / PVP and it will apply to all buildings even if they don't have a LandClaimDevice.

    Extra Information / Summary:

    Antigrief zones set up for deposits in the gameoptions.yaml will ALWAYS exist and are NOT affected by any LandClaimZone mode. If you do (not) want deposits to be protected, please use the setup in the gameoptions.yaml

    LandClaimZone: Default = Use gameoptions.yaml to setup detailed values for either using AntiGriefDistancePvE and/or AntiGriefDistancePvP

    LandClaimZone: Device = IF either one or both AntiGriefDistancePvE and AntiGriefDistancePvP are activated in gameoptions.yaml, Antigrief zones will only exist for structures that have a Landclaim Device

    LandClaimZone: Off This negates the settings made for both AntiGriefDistancePvE and AntiGriefDistancePvP in the gameoptions.yaml by setting all AntiGriefZones to OFF for this playfield only.

    NOTE: Any time you edit a yaml file always test it before you save the file and start your server:
    You can use the Yaml tester site do check for errors

    Last edited: Sep 17, 2020
    Taelyn likes this.

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