How to teleport around galaxy?

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by LiftPizzas, Dec 20, 2020.

  1. LiftPizzas

    LiftPizzas Rear Admiral

    Sep 28, 2015
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    Is there console command to teleport between star systems? I tried tt [name of a star], and tt then shift-clicking on the galaxy map. (I don't want to have to spawn/fuel/aim a CV every time.)
  2. Ever since they added the galaxy you have to use two different commands depending if you are teleporting within the current star system or teleporting to a new star system.

    The old teleport command (tt) is only for within your current star system.

    For a different star system use the sector command (sector StarName).
    Then once you are in the star system you can switch back to the teleport command.
    Hope that helps.

    Oh yeah, you can also use the sector command to teleport to a planets orbit but not the planet itself IIRC.

    Don't forget the single quotes around the name if it's more than one word, and also capitalization in the name.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 20, 2020
    LiftPizzas likes this.
  3. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    If single player you can use tt to teleport directly to a playfield, or sector to teleport to a specific sector (orbit of planet).

    If multiplayer, you first need to use the sector command to teleport to the star, then use sector or tt to teleport to the planet.


    (Use single quotes for names that include spaces)
    tt Akua - teleports you directly to the surface of Akua
    sector 'Omicron Alpha VI' - teleports you to the orbit of Omicron Alpha VI
    sector Alpha - teleports you to the Alpha star system
    sd debug - allows you to double click on a star to generate that system and view it's solar system map remotely. Great for debugging random solarsystemconfig files so you can tell what each star will have without needing to teleport to the stars. (double clicking a star to open the solar system map also works without any commands if the star system has previously been visited).

    You can also teleport from orbit > planet via the debugmenu.
    Luna3009_CN and LiftPizzas like this.

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