HV Laser Drill in first slot please

Discussion in 'Questions, Discussions & Feedback' started by neil.phillips5, Jan 27, 2019.

  1. neil.phillips5

    neil.phillips5 Lieutenant

    Dec 14, 2016
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    Ore scanner required to see ore that comes in lumps.
    Drills held in hand work with scanner, a blue outline is seen.

    HV with 3 items of interest;
    A harvester (the long twirly thing that you cut trees down with, the harvester - not the HV!).
    A T1 or T2 drill and
    A turret drill.

    Use turret drill. No outlines seen.
    Remove harvester.

    Use turret drill. See outlines. YAY.
    Add harvester.

    Use turret drill. Outlines gone. Boo.

    My understanding is that for the HV, to see a blue outline, you need the first slot of the HV to be a drill.

    If my theory is true, why does the harvester force itself into the first slot, if you add it after there are T1 or T2 drills already attached?
    Germanicus likes this.

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