If reloading is interupted, stop the reload animation

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Scoob, Mar 5, 2023.

  1. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Hey all,

    I'm wondering if it's at all possible to STOP the reload animation if reloading is interrupted. Over time, I've learnt which actions will interrupt hand weapon reloading, so know not to do it. However, it's still irksome. For example, it used to be possible to loot a fallen enemy while reloading, but now - while the animation continues to completion - the weapons is NOT reloaded.

    There are even situations that while stationary and doing nothing but reloading, the animation completes and the weapon is NOT reloaded. If you notice, you can just reload, if not, you might get caught out.

    Perhaps linked to the above, another example of this would be when weapon reloading completes, the animation is done and the ammo counter shows the weapon as having a full clip. You then select another weapon, but switching back to that original weapon sees it NOT reloaded. I can only assume some sort of desync between the animation and counter being updated and the weapon actually being reloaded. I.e. the player is switching weapons before the reload is actually completed, despite all visual indicators suggesting it has been.

    Regardless of bugs, it'd be most welcome if the reload animation STOPPED if the reload was interrupted. What do people think? Perhaps have the ammo display flash or something (briefly red) to show the reload has been aborted.

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