Improving sensors and situational awareness

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Khazul, Oct 20, 2020.

  1. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    1. Can we have friend foe colours on maps, hud etc, at least as an option.
    2. Can the space hud display indicate 3d placement. Something above/below looks the same regardless of distance. Many game use an elite style display - why change?
    3. Audible warning of changes in nearby threat level, let say nearby means 2.5km for space, 500m for land - ie enough to give you a few seconds to react.
    - Threat level being based upon what is nearby.
    - So nothing nearby and then a drone appears - thats an increase to a new threshold and thus worthy of a warning.
    - Drones already nearby, and a patrol vessel comes close - that should push it over another threshold of a much higher threat level and thus worthy of a new warning.
    - On the ground - enemy soldier come into range is a new threat, so a warning.
    - More soldiers show up - maybe but unlikely a new threat threshold unless lots.
    - A drone or two shows up - new threat level above the soldiers and so a waring.
    - ... etc.

    By thresholding to threat levels, I would hope to avoid warning spam so you only get warned when there is a significant change that might cause you to rethink your situation.


    When the new sensor pinging first came in, it was a vast improvement to discovery, but over time I have become less a fan of the constant need to ping to the point of now actively disliking it.

    - I think we need a passive sensor (kind of like the old one was, but only really able to indicate a direction) or maintain a lock on what is discovered by an active sensor. I actually kind of likes the rough directional indicators of stuff that maybe of interest.

    - Active sensing should be on or off, but shorter range than current. When on, then as well as auto pining (without the noise), it would also notify you presence to anything else in range even passive.

    - Sensor pinging - I think this has a place and a new purpose and should instead be a highly directional ping. Have a resource marker in the distance? Ping it (range depend on type - personal, SV/HV ort CV). On a CV, ping a star to get a return on the information about the star and its planets maybe? Ie is it worth going there for gold or whatever. Ping a a resource asteroid to see what type it is.

    - Filters - an active ping results in a very cluttered hud now. We need some degree of filter. Resources / Enemies / All for eg might be a simple start. I wonder if passive sensors on the ground should highlight nearby IR sources - this would include most wildlife for eg with a couple of hundred meters.

    - Add new goggles for thermal vision as well as just night vision.
    Track Driver likes this.

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