Indestructible Zirax Com Array?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Osselpi, Aug 24, 2020.

  1. Osselpi

    Osselpi Ensign

    Jul 14, 2017
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    Hi there,

    I'm back again with another 'luxury problem'. Today I was visiting the moon on my private dedicated server and went to raid the Xenu Mainframe there. No problems, gutted the thing good for it's sathium plates, everything is fine.

    Then I went over to the Zirax Com Array and am now a bit dumbfounded. I went into the building, right upwards where I found the core and one simple alien sentry to protect it. Looks easy enough. Placed some explosives on the 'walkway' in front of the alien core, hear a boom but ... nothing. Neither the core nor the sentry or the railing/walkway in front of the core did get a scratch. I was all like "Hm weird, maybe it doesn't work because it is built with combat steel?" and got into my fighter to launch some volleys of rockets at the approximate location of the core. Nothing; same with the gatlings. No damage on any of the blocks.

    So huh... what happened here? Is it connected to some mission (the server spawned some things for the Robinson Protocol scenario I guess, though its running on Default Multiplayer) and thus somehow "indestructible" ? Do I need to take out plasma guns? How might I rectify this issue?

    Edit: Just for testing purposes, I activated 'gm' and put a explosive directly at the core. No effect. The 'shield command' reports a shield value of -1, but changing that to 0 or 2 didn't help.
    Edit 2: I regenerated the POI with the regenerate command. Still having the same problem.
    Edit 3: The stats command tells me my starter planet is running on mode: Survival PvE. The moon is set to Survival PvP. But this might be normal?
    Edit 4: Hmm ok, the NPC Core is an NPC Core (Admin). I guess that is the culprit?

    I'm brainstorming and checking through the admin commands again right now but am very grateful for any ideas or tips.

    Thanks & have a fine day!
    ~ Ossel
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2020
  2. Osselpi

    Osselpi Ensign

    Jul 14, 2017
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    Ok, this seems weird. I returned to the Xenu Mainframe today after it regenerated. I could damage some blocks (some but not all of the windows, spawning pads) but others were totally immune again. Turns out that thing also regenerated with a admin core which I guess might be the culprit. But why does that happen and how can I stop it?

    Tested damaging it without the admin core = works.
    Putting a faction core in started up the POI and I could still destroy it.

    Ok... how do I tell the game now that it should regenerate those things with a 'normal' (Zirax/Alien) core instead of the admin one?
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2020
  3. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Admin Core's are applied to all structures which function within a quest Line - to prevent Player from accidentely depriving themself to finish the given quest prematurely.

    Das Admin Core wird in ALLEN Strukturen eingesetzt um eine ungewollte, vorgezogene Zerstörung zu verhindern welche zu einem Verlust des Aufgaben Zieles führen würde.

    There are two different Types of Admin Cores - Indestructibles and pre-demaged ones
    Indestructible HP 250/250 - pre-damaged 240/250 - point a MultiTool on it so you will know.
    Some of them can only be destroyed by flipping switches.

    Es gibt 2 verschiedene Admin Cores - Unzerstörbar und beschädigt
    Unzerstörbare haben 250/250 Trefferpunkte - beschädigte zeigen 240/250 Trefferpunkte - ein MultiTool darauf gerichtet zeigt es.
    Einige davon können nur zerstört werden in dem Schalter umgelegt werden.

    Regenerating works only 'To Template'

    Regeneration geht nur nach existierendem Template (Vorlage bzw. BP)
    Osselpi likes this.
  4. Osselpi

    Osselpi Ensign

    Jul 14, 2017
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    Hi Germanicus & Empyrion Community,

    the problem I'm having with this is, that the Zirax POIs on the starter planet regenerate with Alien/Zirax cores as expected and can thus be looted over and over. Those on the moon (like the Xenu Mainframe) started with alien cores but now regenerate (after looting them for the first time?) with admin cores which is nonsensical since they seem to have no connection to the story (EDIT: Ok they actually have. >I admit, I only have seen a few streams regarding the 'Robinson Protocol' and don't know how far that actually might go, but as we are playing 'Default Multiplayer' I guess it has no relevance).

    As some additional info: there are the wrecks of those ships tied to the story, but we can loot those without a problem and everything respawns after a certain time.

    Das Problem das ich habe ist Folgendes: Auf dem Startplaneten regenerieren die POIs mit den Alien-Kernen und lassen sich so immer und immer wieder überfallen/looten. Diese POIs auf dem Mond wie z.B. der Xenu-Mainframe hatten ursprünglich ebenfalls einen Alien/Zirax-Kern. Nur nach dem (ersten mal?) looten (?) regenerieren sie mit einem Admin-Kern und werden damit unzerstörbar. Das wirkt unsinnig auf mich da sie wohl keinen Einfluss auf die Story haben (EDIT: Ok doch, hat wohl Bedeutung für das Szenario;> ich gebe zu, ich habe selbst nur mal ein paar Streams zum "Robinson Protocol" geschaut und weiß daher nicht wie weit das geht, allerdings dürfte der Gedanke sowieso müßig sein, weil wir eben ein 'Default Multiplayer' spielen und kein besonderes Szenario).

    Auf dem Mond liegen auch die Wracks die zur Story gehören würden herum, aber diese können wir ohne Probleme looten und nach einer gewissen Zeit taucht alles wieder auf.

    Maybe I'll delete the moon playfield and let the server recreate it from scratch, just to make sure my observations are correct.
    Vielleicht lösche ich testweise mal das Mondspielfeld und schaue mir alles genau an, nur um sicher zu gehen das meine Beobachtungen stimmen.

    Edit: Ok, the Xenu Mainframe indeed seems to be included in the quest. But the question remains why I could loot it perfectly the first time around. And of course we are not playing the scenario so... huh.

    Edit 2: Ok, deleted the world and it indeed respawned with an admin core again. Huh. Guess I got lucky when I first looted it?
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2020
  5. Escarli

    Escarli Rear Admiral

    Dec 13, 2019
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    The poi's with the admin cores will be loaded into the playfield yaml files regardless if you are playing the scenario or not. Whether it's the case here i couldn't say but there are some poi's with two versions. One being a normal one and another being a special one with an admin core. In the picture below the one on the right has an admin core, the one on the left has a standard one.

    Osselpi and Germanicus like this.
  6. Osselpi

    Osselpi Ensign

    Jul 14, 2017
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    Thank you @Escarli & @Germanicus. I've just recreated the moon and the POI indeed spawned with an admin core. I must've gotten lucky the first time I looted the Xenu Mainframe I guess. But it seems the radar station has a standard core, so that might be my "go to place" to loot for now.
    Germanicus likes this.
  7. Thor'sHammer

    Thor'sHammer Commander

    Jul 11, 2020
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    I wonder if this problem is is related to the problem I'm having on the Starter planet. I posted this:

    but although it's go over 50 views, no-one has replied. I considered checking my deodorant ... ;)

    The problem I had was I raided a POI (Abandoned Reactor), cored it , cleared all but the building blocks figuring I'd return with an HV and a Turret tool to mine that, but when I went back the Zirax had "claimed it". What was weird was I spent a LOT of time trying to find the core but nothing. Went to GodMode after I got frustrated, flew the entire bldg and surrounding area but NO CORE.

    I've only done a little of the Robinson Protocol, is the Abandoned reactor part of that?
  8. Osselpi

    Osselpi Ensign

    Jul 14, 2017
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    Hmm absolutely no core? That sounds problematic. I guess you can get control of the building by using the Empyrion Admin Helper on the computer the server is running (I don't know if that is possible with a rented server). There's a structures tab and there you can change the faction which is in control of the building.
    Maybe entering 'gm iv' (godmode invisible) might also be of some help as it gives you some special permissions (in invisible god mode I could replace the admin cores).

    I don't know too much about Robinson Protocol unfortunately.
  9. Thor'sHammer

    Thor'sHammer Commander

    Jul 11, 2020
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    Thanks. Yeah, no core that I can see. I've used GodMode (not invisible) to fly around the structure and if there's one there I'm not seeing it.

    I'm running in Single Player mode so IDK if there's a server somewhere.

    I suppose I could just take ownership of the structure, I'm pretty sure there's a command line that lets you change Faction but don't know what that command is offhand. I WAS trying to play without 'cheating', but if IT cheats I suppose my response would be alright ... LOL

    It may just be a glitch. There's reports of "invisible blocks" and I was attacked by an "invisible creature" (I think it was a Kriel Soldier), so maybe it's just in "invisible core". Had to restart to get rid of the attacker, maybe the core is there now too. I'll look tomorrow if I can.

    Thanks for the answer, tho' :cool:
  10. Osselpi

    Osselpi Ensign

    Jul 14, 2017
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    Thor'sHammer likes this.

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