Invasion of NPCs in your CV (SP & MP)

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by japp_02, Mar 16, 2021.

  1. japp_02

    japp_02 Commander

    Feb 11, 2021
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    This idea came to my mind when responding in a thread about 'walking in moving ships' which doesn't make much sense to me. Instead, it would be super cool if when fighting against an enemy destroyer or cruiser the ship would release a troop ship heading towards the player's CV which he must intercept and destroy, and if he doesn't succeed (it should be set to be very difficult obviously), then troop NPCs will invade the player's CV forcing him to leave his cockpit and go combat them with a time limit to save the ship's core.

    The gameplay would unfold like this: The time limit should be generous or be varied in relation to the enemy ship size outside and in relation to the number of NPCs that invade the player's ship, 5-15 minutes to 'clear' all enemies; once the core's owner has changed to the enemy faction, after this delay with still NPCs alive, much more NPCs and sentry guns will then be installed in the player's ship and he must then or leave the ship with another vessel or re-conquer the CV again which should then be set to be much more difficult. The re-conquer option will stay available to the player for a later time, the ship stays in place or will move like other orbital ships once the player leaves the scene (in which case the player would need to destroy the thrusters later on to make it stop; the simple solution is just to leave the CV stopped at its current location.)

    All this would be especially cool because I notice that most stock CVs or workshop CVs have big rooms where you usually never go, this would be a reason to visit all your ship in a regular fashion and it would be fun to play, especially as an enhancement for single player, and I guess the more so for MP scenarios.

    Technically, the player's CV doesn't need to move but can be in a stopped state for this gameplay to happen, for example an alert message "Alert! Intruders have boarded your ship!" could make the player CV stop (like if you would cut power off), forcing him to leave his cockpit and engage in first person combat. This sort of gameplay can be implemented with the current game engine I think.

    Gran' Ma will fight back now! The times are over where you easily take-over an enemy destroyer (or POI)!
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2021
  2. japp_02

    japp_02 Commander

    Feb 11, 2021
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    I don't want to wait until Eleon gives any starting shot for this, so my question is: CAN I MOD THIS, AND WOULD IT WORK LIKE ABOVE? If yes I would go to work on it.

    This question can be subdivised in following technical questions:

    1- Can you mod a CV to be a POI with combat in its internals?
    2- Can I make a troopship conditionally spawn dynamically which needs to be destroyed with a set of (difficult) conditions?
    3- Can I create my own CV to be a POI with troops inside that spawns in the EGS space at certain conditions?
    4- Can I make a player auto-move from one ship to another place (ideally a ship) if mission triggers initiate this?
    5- Can I mod to get certain appearing messages?
    6- Can I set victory / defeat triggers in relation to all NPCs to be destroyed in a POI / vessel in order to state a scenario as a victory or defeat?

    Thank you very much for a brief feedback on wether this is possible or not.
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2021

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