Issues Placing Blocks

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by nyla, May 21, 2021.

  1. nyla

    nyla Ensign

    May 15, 2021
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    First off, let me say Sorry if I posting this in the wrong Thread.

    I'm making a post for my dad, who is a big fan of this game, but isn't able to do these posts himself.

    The issue he is having right now, is that he is unable to place ANY kind of block, anywhere. Blocks, devices, everything. Has made a ship, and cannot place the ship.

    So far we've tried :
    - removing and replacing the core. IF it allows him to even place the new core (sometimes he can't even do that) the issue is still there.
    - exiting and reloading the game - does not fix anything
    - making a new game file - within a few hours of game play the issue is back again
    - verified file integrity - didn't fix
    - editing the ground terrain - nothing

    We are looking for a fix that doesn't involve uninstalling/reinstalling the game. He is on pay-as-you-go internet and it is quite costly to download a game of this size. If ANYONE has more suggestions, they would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks :)
  2. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    We need more details to be able to help.

    First, was the game updated to "experimental" or is this the public branch of the game ?

    Is this in creative or survival ? Single or multiplayer ? Custom scenario or default game ? What kind of core is concerned here, and what ship/ base ? Is the ship/ base powered on when this occurs ? Does the ship/ base have an active shield when this occurs ? Are Mass/ Volume and CPU enabled or disabled in the game options ?
    Germanicus likes this.
  3. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Press N to open the build menu and make sure the "connect to" box is unchecked.
    Make sure the ship he is trying to edit is either set to private (for him) or to a faction he is a member of.
    Make sure he's trying to place the correct blocks on the correct ship type. Many blocks and devices can only be placed on some types (HV, SV, CV, BA).
    Make sure he's not trying to place a starter block on an existing ship instead of a "core".

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