LCD Projector Timers

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Furious Hellfire, Jan 27, 2021.

  1. Furious Hellfire

    Furious Hellfire Rear Admiral

    May 3, 2017
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    As with the lights, LCD projectors would be even more fun if we had the blink and delay settings for them.

    It is already possible to project multiple readouts onto ther same surface area from projectors placed in different locations.
    We could make what looks like an auto switching multi readout display in 1 block space, being projected from 2 or more projectors placed elsewhere but with offset to appear in same place.
    All we need are blink delay settings like with lights.

    The thought occurred to me while i was making a police light bar using a LCD projector.
    The red and blue cube symbols in my lcd would appear to switch from red/blue to blue/red and look like police lights alternating if I could put timers on them like the flashing light siren I already have.

    In the picture below I have a LCD projector on the front and also on the roof, imagine if those projectors were alternating blue/red into red/blue would look pretty cool :p
    And as I say, we can make some cool switching info displays too.

    Its just a thought.

  2. imlarry425

    imlarry425 Captain

    Jan 10, 2019
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    If it turned out to be easier to implement, exposing the state of light entities would let builders hide lights in their builds with names like "CLOCK_OneOnThreeOff" that they could AND in to circuits for repeated triggers without feedback. That would let multiple entities use the same signals and keep the load down.

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