LCDs in view of pilot distort when moving

Discussion in 'Backlog' started by Garaman, Jul 20, 2023.

  1. Garaman

    Garaman Captain

    Aug 23, 2020
    Likes Received:
    Build: 1.10.1 4233
    Mode: Creative / Survival
    Mode: Single Player / Multiplayer

    Reproducibility: Always
    Severity: Minor

    Type: LCDs

    Summary: If an LCD is used to create a HUD element visible by the pilot it will appear distorted when in motion

    If an LCD is used to create a HUD element intended to be visible by the player while flying then the glyphs will start to appear wavy and distorted while in motion, especially if it is being drawn over an object in the view (nebula, planetary rings, a planet). This is affecting builds that use LCDs for custom crosshairs, power status indicators, or general HUD decoration.

    I could not find a graphics option to downgrade or disable that affected this behavior.

    I do not recall this being a noticeable issue in earlier versions, so I believe this issue was introduced in one of the last few patches.

    Steps to Reproduce:
    1. Load the attached SV in a creative session in orbit
    2. Sit in the seat and observe the crisp detail of the LCD HUD element
    3. Start moving the ship and observe how it distorts at different times

    Example of the pristine rendering vs rendering in motion:


    Attached Files:

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