Liberland: New Public Server free of Admin Abuse

Discussion in 'Multiplayer Meeting Room' started by Shannon Patterson, Dec 14, 2015.

  1. Shannon Patterson

    Shannon Patterson Lieutenant

    Sep 1, 2015
    Likes Received:

    My wife and I put up a new externally hosted server with 20 slots (more can be added if it becomes popular). This was done after having some bad experiences with admins that destroyed people's bases, so we wanted a place that would never happen. Right now all settings are default with PVP everywhere except Akua and Space.

    We plan on making space PVP once people get a little more established and if it's fun enough. Come check it out!

    See you online!

    Shannon & Jax

    Server name is Liberland

    Update: Liberland has been moved to a new hosting company on a much faster server. Check it out!
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2015
  2. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Admins that destroy bases for fun, basically griefers, are out there, unfortunately unavoidable in pre-alpha, but a great suggestion was made in regard to it, a server rating system, I think that would sort a lot of griefing admins out very fast.

    Good luck, I join later and check it out.
  3. RobDog

    RobDog Commander

    Feb 27, 2015
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    Played last night for a few hours. Smooth running server, no drama. Hope to get back on tonight as well.. time to build my SV!

    Thanks for hosting!
  4. Shannon Patterson

    Shannon Patterson Lieutenant

    Sep 1, 2015
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    My pleasure! We were the #1 server on Saturday in population and ping time for the entire day. It was amazing but we certainly pushed the limits of what this game can do with some of the mega structures I've seen!

    Glad you had a good time!
  5. RobDog

    RobDog Commander

    Feb 27, 2015
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    Thanks, I had followed your thread on abusive admins and thought it would be a great place to connect with people that play the game without all the drama.

    There were some large "brick" ships, can't help but laugh... I know it's just efficiently getting to other planets, bit it still is a funny site to see a CV as a perfect brick shape...

    Followed some chat conversations that were very friendly and cooperation.

    If anyone is looking for a friendly and welcoming server, just connect to this one!
  6. hehehemann

    hehehemann Ensign

    Nov 30, 2015
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    Just came across this thread and promptly jumped over to this server. Been on a few times today and so far really like the friendliness and cooperation between players.

    However, after taking a few hours break I can't seem to log back on and it gives me an error. Single player and other servers are working fine, just cant re-join this server. Any idea's?

    Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit
    Version: PreAlpha 5.0.2 0268, RAM: 12 GB
    Initialize engine version: 5.2.3f1 (f3d16a1fa2dd)
    Version: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0]
    UnityException: Tag: T_Mesh_65 is not defined.
    at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.GameObject:set_tag (string)
    at UnityEngine.Component.set_tag (System.String value)
    at Assembly-CSharp.ContextDictionary.QuoteTextFile (Int32 , UnityEngine.MeshCollider )
    at Assembly-CSharp.ActivatorProvider.DeployDialog (Int32 )
    at Assembly-CSharp.ActivatorProvider.SortAssembly (System.Int32& , System.Int32& , System.Int32& , System.Int32& )
    at Assembly-CSharp.WindowSite.FormatXmlFile ()
    at Assembly-CSharp.WindowSite.AllocateToolbar ()
    at Assembly-CSharp.StoreInfo.FormatXmlFile ()
    at Assembly-CSharp.StoreInfo.AllocateToolbar ()
  7. RobDog

    RobDog Commander

    Feb 27, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Had trouble getting connected for a bit, but got on after a couple of tries.
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2015
  8. Shannon Patterson

    Shannon Patterson Lieutenant

    Sep 1, 2015
    Likes Received:
    We had a big crash and I had to revert to 9 hours prior (making backups more often). It was due to having so many people on, and at the time we were #1 in the world in population, and stayed there all day! Let me know if you have problems from this point forward though...
  9. RobDog

    RobDog Commander

    Feb 27, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Seems that popularity is a I intend on being part of keeping your server at #1. You folks are appreciated, thank you!
  10. hehehemann

    hehehemann Ensign

    Nov 30, 2015
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    I've just had no luck getting back in game so far, even with the new update to .271 I cant get in and I see the server has been updated too.
    Oh well, its still Alpha :)
  11. Shannon Patterson

    Shannon Patterson Lieutenant

    Sep 1, 2015
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    Can you get into other servers (or single player) but not mine? If that is the case then please let me know as this indicates a problem with the server.

    The new update made it stop working on one of my machines too (not a gaming rig) but you might try things like updating your video driver, chipset driver, bios, or anything you can to kick it into working. Many of us are running this game on machines that should not be able to handle it (pointing the finger at myself here) and it's a tribute to the devs for optimizing it as much as they have. Regardless , I wish you luck and do let me know if the problem is isolated to Liberland or happening elsewhere. and if there is anything I can do to help.

  12. hehehemann

    hehehemann Ensign

    Nov 30, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Hi Shannon,

    I can get into other servers and single player games so it seems the error is limited to yours. I played a good 5 hours yesterday, logged off for a few hours then could never rejoin the server and have had no success since. (see log file i posted above as its still showing the same error today)
    My machine is fairly decent for the game ([email protected] 12GB Ram runnig on an SSD), not had any issues, bios, drivers, etc are all up to date. worries though, if you rolled back to a time just before i joined then it means starting my character again
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2015
  13. Shannon Patterson

    Shannon Patterson Lieutenant

    Sep 1, 2015
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    Your character file on my server may be corrupt then. Send me your numeric steam ID and I will remove it so you can fresh start, which will at least get you in. We can help you level up if there is no way to fix the ply file (I have a few ideas). Let me know if you want to try this.

  14. RobDog

    RobDog Commander

    Feb 27, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Hey there Shannon, is there something going on with the server or is it just me?

  15. hehehemann

    hehehemann Ensign

    Nov 30, 2015
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  16. Shannon Patterson

    Shannon Patterson Lieutenant

    Sep 1, 2015
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    6 server crashed. I opened a ticket but it took then nearly 30 minutes to respond. It is being addressed now and I hope to have it up shortly. I will update the link below (Liberland has a reddit page!) when I know more.

    Thanks for checking in!

  17. Icarus

    Icarus Ensign

    Jan 2, 2016
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    Hey just wanted to check in with you guys. Stellar Dynasty here. We're running a mature active testers server ourselves and would love to work together with you guys on bug reports. Not sure what you guys have going on there right now. North American server with PingPerfect? I noticed your crash problem yesterday in previous posts.

    Here are my crash problems:

    "Wanted to clarify that my general understanding of these bugs are certainly game related.

    My server Stellar Dynasty, some members reporting similar issues as noted in the recent update bug reports thread, with all sizes of constructor bugging/no longer working (perhaps they travelled in space, perhaps not). Seems to TEMPORARILY clear up when we MANUALLY reboot server from the company manager, NOT THE Empyrion Server Manager 1.3.5

    Today the bug appeared again. We rebooted yesterday, it went away, and its back now. Not really feeling rebooting every day, though. I'm assuming this is being worked on.

    But what I am personally having trouble with are these random internal errors. Still trying to comb through these forums to find out what others are saying about them. Myself and multiple server members have reported lost ships of all sizes due to these, which seem to generally occur leaving the planet or flying onto the planet. My latest experience occurred yesterday. I was just bringing my CV for another landing onto Akua (had an SV docked from when i had taken off from akua before, so maybe the SV being docked on the planet has a problem as opposed to an SV being docked in space?). Game crashed, I restarted and couldn't join the server at all, while others COULD. We then, also for this bug, had to MANUALLY reboot server from company manager, because the Empyrion Server Manager wasn't able to solve it. Since we're sure on our end, with our other servers running fine, that much of these major issues must be on the game's end, I figured I would post this where ever seemingly applicable. Thank you for your time folks!

    Love the warp drive, really excited to use it consistently without problems :)"

    Are you guys having to restart the server more consistently than not having to since the recent warp drive update?
  18. Shannon Patterson

    Shannon Patterson Lieutenant

    Sep 1, 2015
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    We (Liberland) just had another Akua based server crash. Akua is a cursed world, and I've noticed a pattern where the big crashes that destroy the world and that cause the internal server error all happen when a CV enters Akua. It does not happen every time, but that is certainly what is triggering it. I triggered it myself twice, and am convinced that most if not all of these interal server errors are due to problems on Akua.

    I've tried many things and there just isn't anything that we as admins can do until the Dev's resolve this issue. A lot of people are quitting because of the constant show stopping server errors :(

    EDIT: I just deleted Akua and uploaded a backup I took this morning and we're back up and running. I've heard that some admins wipe Akua every 72 hours but that is a terrible solution. Fingers crossed that this is resolved soon.
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2016
  19. Durf Lugdenstein

    Durf Lugdenstein Ensign

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Love this server but alas I am having issues too. Tried hitching a ride off akua and fused to a bulk head for a half hour, lost all my stuff, then spawned in mid air flying. Now my clock says it's night when it is light out, my compass directions are reversed and I cannot see any buildings/ores/vehicles when walking around >_<.

    Still this is a great little community and 10/10 would fuse to bulkhead again if I could play on the server ;)
  20. Shannon Patterson

    Shannon Patterson Lieutenant

    Sep 1, 2015
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    Durf, send (privately) your numeric steam ID#, along with when you were last able to login ok. I have backups and an revert your character to a previous state, or worst case delete your ply file and you would start in an escape pod as a level 1 player (reborn, so to speak).

    Will be happy to do whatever I can to get you back on,


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