Mech's Server

Discussion in 'Multiplayer Meeting Room' started by MechPilot524, Jan 10, 2016.

  1. MechPilot524

    MechPilot524 Captain

    Nov 3, 2015
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    I do have a semi-dedicated server that I try to run from 6pm to 2am Central time, mostly due to Internet reasons and me having the best PC out of my group of friends.

    It is open for random people to join. It may ask for a password; if it does, then leave the password slot blank and simply enter the server.
    I host the server off my gaming PC, so it will be down more often than not. I try to have it up when I'm playing at night, and if there are people on the server when I log off for the night, I will leave it on through the early morning hours.

    - UCH is the predominant faction in this server. Don't bother us, and we won't bother you. If you're friendly with us, we might be nice back. If you want to have a faction war on a PvP planet, we'll see you there.
    - Akua is almost barren. It will take some time to reach resources on foot, and a search will be annoying. If going for iron, there's a deposit across the ocean to the southwest of spawn. Another deposit is across an archipelago to the northeast, but is slightly further away. All POIs are looted. I recommend taking over an existing one and getting to Akua Moon as soon as possible - there are no POIs left there, but still many resources, as UCH does its mining in different planets.
    - Server only wipes/makes a new game when a major update is released. However server will always be updated within 12 hours of the release of an update.

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