Movement problems in a moving vessel

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by FaRa GSL, Dec 18, 2019.

  1. FaRa GSL

    FaRa GSL Ensign

    Dec 18, 2019
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    Hello, we've been playing with a friend for a few weeks, we recently built a mother ship, the only small problem is that we cannot move freely and normally, in the ship during the other pilot, which is a shame because it is not very productive.
    It seems that our character bases its position on coordinates in space and not on our position in relation to an object.
    Maybe this problem is already known but is there a solution or should we wait for a next update?
    FaRa GSL


    Boujour, cela fait quelques semaines que nous jouons avec un amis, nous avons tout récement construit un vaisseau mère, le seul petit soucis c'est que l'on ne peut pas se déplacement librement et normalement, dans le vaisseau pendant le l'autre pilote, ce qui est dommage, car peu productif.
    On dirait que notre perso base sa position sur des coordonnées dans l'espace et non sur notre position par rapport à un objet.
    Peut-êtes que ce problème est déjà connu mais y a-t-il une solution ou faut-il attendre une prochaine mise à jour ?
    FaRa GSL
  2. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    Walking about in a moving craft... I think I read somewhere this is something to be addressed in the future. For now, yes, you must remain in your seat for the duration of the flight. However, all it not lost here, as it is still possible to interact with most systems onboard, via the P-Panel. Constructors can be accessed this way, materials produced, moved, fuel, oxygen, pentaxid and mutions replenished, all from the P-Panel.
    FaRa GSL likes this.

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