Multi-Player Stability

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Ranzeth, Dec 2, 2020.

  1. Ranzeth

    Ranzeth Ensign

    Nov 28, 2017
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    It seems like a lot of the new features are focused on adding more to single player. Or adding features that don't improve the stability of MP.

    So my questions are:

    1. When will we start seeing an emphasis on making MP more stable, and not releasing features that MP up. (Looking at you 7000 star systems)

    2. Walking around on ships. Play DU, Space Engineers, and a number of other space games. You can walk around on your ship. Empyrion you get ejected into space, or thrown into a wall. If Empyrion wants to stay relevant, they need to implement this.

    Imagine, setting your ship to fly in a direction, and then getting up and walking around, and doing various tasks.

    3. Balance CVs on planet better. CVs should be able to use weapons on planet, but in exchange it should be more difficult to use them when on planet - they fly slower, need more fuel etc etc.

    4. Ship Crews - Using NPC blocks, ship functionality should be tied to how many crew members you have aboard the ship. Less crew, less functionality. This makes it so people have to build ships that have oxygen, and compartments to keep their crew safe.

    Furthermore, make it so that crew has to be put into certain sections of the ship, and prevent people from simply putting all of the crew into one space that is heavily armored.

    AKA - When will you start releasing features focused on improving the MP experience for players. Make PvP more challenging, more interesting, more diverse. Make the game feel more enjoyable. Give Capital Vessels actual meaning.

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