Multiplayer experience feedback - starting as outcast in remote system

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by T-1000, Dec 20, 2020.

  1. T-1000

    T-1000 Ensign

    Apr 10, 2017
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    So after v1.3 patch I decided to come back to the game and see what is new. I started on Eleon Studios - Official Public Server (Default Multiplayer Scenario) server life pod like many others.

    Here is my story so far:
    After crash-landing soon I realised the starter planets are overcrowded (like always was) and while everyone was trying to build it lacked even most basic resources on day #2 after server wipe. The planet I chose was swamp with lots of hunting grounds. After spending a day there I saw one of my friends already having CV. Right after the idea brewed in my mind. Why I should struggle on same starter planet like others when there is whole galaxy with rich planets around? So I asked my friend to taxi me into Legacy territory planet. After flying 275ly away from where I started there was new beginning on diverse swamp planet with only Kriel assassins and local Raptors to bother me. Was plenty of space for hunting grounds. Then I found nice place to build base in planet south with Ring of stones (which looked like sundial clock from top). After happy stripping planet of small resource nodes I progressed further for getting bringing my miner CV from blueprint to that world.

    Then half-way through something interesting happened after taking off from the planet to different region with resources with my bare minimum SV carrier and HV miner on top. I almost instantly got Lgc space drones spawn almost rigth on top of ship. What unlucky timing. So I fled back with prepared warp in advance. Lucky for me the SV survived attack. After exiting warp to the planet another spawn of Lgc drones. This time I have to flee back to planet before they could approach and shoot me down.

    After landing back to planet I checked system for Zascossium. It was needed for my T3 CPU upgrade cores and mining lasers. What a surprise, nothing of that material was in the system. With no trading stations around that looked bleak. No further progress could be made. Oh well, I thought, time for plan B with my friend to the rescue again. With being very nice of him to me I asked to import materials for my CV miner and continued to build it in ghost factory (Why we still have it? Why no proper shipyard to build things?). After time passed I was ready to spawn it. To my surprise, now it needed base to spawn on. And not just a corner of base, the whole platform. Oh well, so I ended up building single use building platform for my CV. While building it few things passed in my mind. As some big ship blueprints owner I realised now we need to litter space with one-time use platforms and for big ships (like 320m x 130m size) that would be big waste of materials and server data space/resources. As it is work in-progress this do not bother me to much. So finally I finished the landing platform and spawned my CV.

    So this is what I am currently in with.

    As for verdict - please allow players to spawn in random planet somewhere in galaxy in addition to starter planet choices. This will push game experience to new level. After tweaks in means how we can get resources for first mining CV we all should endure starting somewhere remote in a galaxy and coming back to social hubs afterwards for multiplayer experience. Maybe better trading station network for missing resources, or maybe teleportation from them to space where we can mine. Anything could help.

    As for SV in space.. The current implementation is too squishy to space drones/ships attacks. Needs tweaking for survivability. And SV with mining lasers + 32k cargo space takes at least T3 cpu upgrades. Which is far end reach when considering if we may build CV instead. Most of its use are cargo controller+extensions+lots of thrusters. Hopefully this can be reviewed at some point.

    And finally for doing more than just having leggo building and random POI raiding. Having reason to visit different factions and do their story missions would give game more immersive feeling. That one would be fun to do together with friends. Like faction fleet battles as events in the server as part for territory occupation/defence.

    So here goes nothing. Hopefully this can reach game founders eyes and will spin new ideas how to make game more interesting.


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