My newest addiction..

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Comfortably Numb, Feb 22, 2016.

  1. Comfortably Numb

    Comfortably Numb Ensign

    Feb 22, 2016
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    Hello all! Checking in from Central Wisconsin in the USA...

    As a seasoned vet of 25+ years of gaming I have to say this is the most amazing game with the best potential for something of epic proportions I've ever seen. I've been a causal player of Minecraft for years, but this game takes the sandbox genre to a new level.

    I haven't even left the planet I started on other than just a quick glimpse at creative mode to see how it works, but I can't wait to see what lies beyond the stratosphere of the planet I have started my build on. I really hope people will invest in the future of this game, the potential is incredible as long as the support keeps up.

    Major props to the devs.. You guys have really tapped into something special here and I wish you all the best. Can't wait to see how this journey grows!

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