Nightvision Tiers 2 and 3, Vehicle Sensors Tier 2 : Creature and Terrain Detection

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by J'ee, Dec 20, 2020.


Having a hard time seeing?

  1. Yes! I, too, want to land my craft better and shoot accurately through palm trees!

  2. Nah, I only operate on the moon and only when it's daylight.

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  1. J'ee

    J'ee Lieutenant

    Dec 18, 2018
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    Nightvision Tier 2 : Thermal Vision
    Nightvision is great for seeing at night, however everything is monochrome. Need to adjust vision modes like certain other aliens we know? Thermal vision has a long and proven tradition in warfare. Useful in daytime, too, it may assist in finding certain creatures though fog or thick cover. Note that Zirax might not be warmblooded. They certainly don't act like it... Thermal vision might still work in a limited way with Zirax mechanoids, who seem to have various "hot points" on them, visually, like on those knees which look a bit like they should be jumping.

    Nightvision Tier 3 : Electrical Vision
    The addition of a contrast element for fleshy and mechanical mobs, both of which have electricity as a common denominator, might improve the hunting experience in both day and night with nearly all targets. The Zirax can see through thick foliage and shoot you through it. Now's your chance at that, too. Note that trees and some alien plants may register faint false positives, so Zirax are probably still superior at seeing you through half a kilometer of palm trees. Also, a radiation breach through armor should cause blinding static if it's severe enough.

    Vehicle Sensors Tier 2 : Terrain Vision
    Can't perceive that hill you're about to land your craft on unawares? With a Tier 2 Sensor, you can sends a terrain echolocation ping which superimposes an easy to perceive grid on top of the terrain local to you, pointing out that it's not underneath you but a little that-a-way which is flat enough for your craft to land on, or that terrain over yonder might provide cover for your craft while you hunt. Use in space to perceive localized gravity wells.
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2020
    Track Driver likes this.

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