Nitrado Server glitches- need help from the community

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dylan McPeek, Dec 3, 2020.

  1. Dylan McPeek

    Dylan McPeek Ensign

    Dec 3, 2020
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    Hello, I am having 3 glitches on my nitrado server using EDEN REFORGED. If you have fixes or know why these are happening please help.

    1- the big one - planets WILL NOT load unless I upload the files from me loading them in single player to the server. It will crash my game trying to load a planet I have not put files for on the server. (This fix took me a while to figure out myself but its still annoying) so does anyone know what to do to my server to make it load properly

    2- sometimes going to a planet and finding POIs, then leaving the planet will delete all POIs on the planet. Not sure whats happening there

    3 - I can not get my custom player faction to stay. Every time I log out it reverts to Human.
  2. Xango2000

    Xango2000 Captain

    Jun 15, 2016
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    3. your player's origin is set by the playfield you started on, its different than your faction. If you really mean faction then this bug occurs when you stop the server while you are still logged on, recent changes don't get saved.

    2. Possibly an issue with the database, Eleon set up the database to use dynamic resizing. A very bad idea for any live application, i wrote a mod to clean out useless data from the database, it might help with this.

    1. Upload all the necessary files before starting the server... Thats too obvious, you probably already knew that. Does Nitrado let you subscribe to a scenario? If it does then create a scenario and upload it then have the server subscribe to it.

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