At this point I am finding that certain bugs/issues keep arising during multiplayer survival games, still occasionally being detached from cv and placed other side of planet, thats a real ballache when you just wanted to go plant 2 autominers before you go to bed XD I also placed my weapons into my sv cargo box using cp while i was flying in space toward an atmosphere. After enteriong the atmosphere everything I put in box is gone (the weapons i searched a week for lol) The stuff that was already in the box before i added my stuff, is still there. This of course really took the jam out of my sandwich. I can not rely on any server it would seem to maintain my game, the servers are busy and the issues are plentiful, admins are busy, I dont like to pester admins for help. I started a new local survival game but it was not the same, certain timers wont run if the game is closed so the need for a server was obvious. Maybe this is why there are so many damn servers... Therefore I rented a nitrado server stage 2 ram package with 8 slots a couple of nights back, in order to have myself an ongoing online survival game in a server that I am able to manage myself when one of those nasty in game bugs pop up and tries to steal my jam again. I am not too bothered about being in a server full of people, I am a lone wolf anyway though I do go out my way a lot to help others when i am in a busy server Having created a server, the prospect of having a default emp sector map was not very tantalising. So I learned how to edit playfields and sector htmls, added vexrays 50 planet package, and used jcmburns EPD to modify some. I actually had a lot of fun putting this together and found that in the proces of making myself a survival game to enjoy I have found something I enjoy just as much, designing a universe ! Before using the playfield designer I was editing raw yaml pages, this would often result in some unwanted effects lol, resulting in lots of trial and error tests during the first half of a day. Well anyway, the point is I did it ! and I did it all in two days. The server seems to be smooth so far, maybe I wont have as many issues not being in a full server of HV terrain rapists and twitchy connections ( my own included, until tuesday when i get 100mb) Feel free to join if your new and just want a relaxed server to learn and build on. I dont mind a bit of company and will give you some starting goodies if you need any Though there are only 8 slots, I may increase this with nitrado if it becomes necessary. There are some 209 playfields with starting planets of omicron and Akua. Nearly every other playfield is PVP but I set 3 of them as PVE. I have also set 2 other PVE planets with no poi/resources and indestructible terrain just for the use of building. Surely a large place to explore, get lost, have some fun. I am also open to suggestions. UK ChillZone PvE/PvP is the server name.