Noob question

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Streetfighter, Dec 29, 2021.

  1. Streetfighter

    Streetfighter Ensign

    Dec 29, 2021
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    Hi I just picked up the game off steam. I like it but my base and all I worked for this past week just vanished and I was told on the discord for the US official server it was because of a time limit on a starter world. My question is what worlds are non starter worlds as I have a ship with a small warp drive and can only go local at the moment.
  2. The starter worlds are the choices you had when you first joined.
    If you don't remember what they were, no worries, because starters are set up as one way warps on that server. Meaning once you leave a starter you can't warp back to it.

    So if it lets you warp to it then it isn't a starter world. Easy enough.
    zaphodikus and Germanicus like this.
  3. Streetfighter

    Streetfighter Ensign

    Dec 29, 2021
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    Thanks for the info I have another question. Well it has to do with the game not mechanics. This has happend to me in a week at least two or three times. Basically when I jump to another local star there is an enemy ship that destroys my ship starts firing at me before I’m even fully done warping into system no chance to even start to throttle away. It almost feels like npcs are camping warp in points. It seems like overkill can this be addressed. I get that it can happen but it seems to be a regular occurrence make two c Argo runs loose a ship rebuild for a few hours rinse and repeat.
    zaphodikus likes this.
  4. Amethyst613

    Amethyst613 Lieutenant

    Mar 16, 2020
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    Space is dangerous
  5. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Sometimes ships or POIs can be too close to a warp in point.
    Or it could have been a pvp sector and players were camping it.

    Either way, you may be able to ask an admin on the server for support though what they cover will depend on the server.

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