NPC crew and followers please.

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Sillls, Jul 1, 2021.

  1. Sillls

    Sillls Lieutenant

    Nov 1, 2016
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    I would love to see NPC crew that could fly a ship. To work on the ship. To pilot the SV's and HV's. To run the day to day operations of the base.

    For example: Have a commander sound an alarm when an attack is inbound. Activating the turrets and turning on the shields if available.
    Farmers that collect crops so the I don't always have to do it.
    Guards that patrol and well... guard. Other NPC's that can man turrets to better aim, rate of fire and so on.
    A watch commander that could set post and counter a ground attack.
    A person to operate the radar and turn on the landing lights when you or your NPC's come in for a landing.

    Squads. Have three of four guards follow you in a raid. You could equip them differently. Mini gun, AR Rocket Launcher, Sniper rifle and so on. Also have different types of troops like: Sniper, Assault, Sergeant and Medic. Each with there own set of pro's and cons. Troops could fly around in your CV,SV or HV if you have the seats.
    Also CV's could have crews that work on the ship. Engineers to help speed, repair work and running of the ship. Gunners to man guns. Marines to repel or do boarding operations. A captain to fly the ship and carry out commands. Even come and pick you up if needed. A navigator to operate things like radar and navigation. Stranded and need help but your CV is stuck in orbit or hovering just above you? Call the caption and have him pick you up. Also could have the captain perform basic commands. Fly to station, pick up supply's. Attack that POI or ship and so on.

    Pilots and drivers for both the SV's and HV's could do basic commands as well. Depending on what the vehicle is equipped with. For example: if your HV is equipped with a drill you can tell him to drill at the nearest deposit and even have him bring it back when they get a set amount or when they can't get anymore from that deposit. Cut down trees or attack enemy's. Could tell them go to some spot on the map or pick you up as well.

    Could even do a story line that the player finds part of his own crew and other humans that set up camp on the starter world. The player could hire them there. Even do missions to help support the human colony to build up there outpost or protect it. Allowing the outpost to build up as the player progresses.

    I think that this would add a lot of fun and relatability to the game.
    KRanKO5 and NightmareNight91 like this.
  2. NightmareNight91

    NightmareNight91 Ensign

    Oct 9, 2015
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    Sounds fun and great, but ill settle for being able to stand and walk around on a moving ship, proper collision damage with no more phasing through objects.

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