NPC ships and the despawn mechanic

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by NightmareNight91, Jul 8, 2021.

  1. NightmareNight91

    NightmareNight91 Ensign

    Oct 9, 2015
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    Please tell me this is a temporary "feature" what is even the point of NPC ships if i cant even loot them? Why cant I recore and use the ship myself?

    For example, I destroyed the engines of a small corvette (sparrow) proceeded to go inside the ship, looted 2 fridges TWO and the whole ship vanishes...why?

    I understand wanting to reduce clutter, but why soooo quick? Why not have the wreck despawn when I leave? Or after 10 mins? When I replace the core, I should get to keep it, not magically be uncontrollable.

    Sorry for the rant its just frustrating...
    bosshunter, Stampy and me777 like this.

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