Where is the information regarding all the parameters that control the OPV's behavior in vanilla and scenarios, please? I need to know everything I can put my hands on regarding OPVs.
The speed of how an OPV moves at is specified by the space playfield yaml files and not the blueprint. From my understanding of the Pitch yaw and roll values, they are taken from a combination of the blueprint and the AI. ...if that's the kind of thing you're after?
Any and all parameters that affects OPV behavior and is possible to be altered by the player by means of any ecf file provided by the developers.
Patrol vessel behavior is set in the playfield. See the example space playfield in the main empyrion playfields folder for all possible options.
It's been a while since I 'd last browsed this folder to be frank. The +xxx folders are new with the examples you replied. Thank you. New question now rise. Even though some parameters do have explanations there are missing the limits in number those values can take. I.e. the AmountMinMax: [3, 5] [Min number of drone, Max number of drone] defines the boundaries of a number randomly drawn of drones in the stock. Does that mean that those values should always be between 3 and 5? Or Min, MaxNo of drones in the definition is x,y of values? If it is the later which I presume it is, then what are the limits? I.e. can I set Min=5, Max=105 AmountMinMax: [5, 105] ? This is only an example. I wonder what are all the limits the parameters can take.