PDA Quest fix theory

Discussion in 'Questions, Discussions & Feedback' started by Brehon, Jan 30, 2022.

  1. Brehon

    Brehon Lieutenant

    Sep 15, 2019
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    As I work on this scenario, I had thought process that took me back to when I did a heavy amount of customizing in conan exiles. For quest I put into the game, players could go do a city and "fix" quests they had broken. Mind you I had a ton of flags for this... but I don't think I would need that here.

    Step One: Could I not have a dialogue that checks to see if the quest is complete (biggest question I couldn't find an answer to).

    Step Two: The "fix" quest would have a simple acknowledgement from the player that upon them hitting it, "activate" the quest for them so it can be completed?

    Step Three: Quest would then continue as intended. Once it hits a complete state (if Step One is possible).

    Alternate to Step One, I could make a global in that is say CustomQuest001 in which the value could only be 1 or 0. When it completes trigger a 1, if not, it remains at the starting of zero. Then the "Fix Quest" could then read that 1 or 0 and act accordingly? (using dialogue)

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