Added to game Pirates/Civilian/? - Daichi Head Hunter + quest idea/script

Discussion in 'Showroom & Submissions' started by sulusdacor, Oct 30, 2022.

  1. sulusdacor

    sulusdacor Captain

    Nov 27, 2018
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    conversion to poi, original from barefootnhilbily:

    For a bit star wars inspired head hunter missions from the vibe/feel - aka mandalorian like. at least that is what i was going for from the writing and why i picked the build in the first place.

    IMPORTANT: Althrough this build looks very star warsy, it is no replica, just inspired. There is nothing in this that says star wars even after my changes and the quest text is the same. i was careful about that so this can go potentially into the base game.

    sizeclass: 2.37
    group: BHmissions
    (for Bounty Hunter missions)
    spawn name: Daichi Head Hunter

    -quest -> see pdf
    -queststages=optional=seperate rooms with new traders/things that could potentially be unlocked by a certain stage in the quest (could have special items in boxes too)
    -teleporter is there for convenience, replace with cargo crate if you do not want this.
    -cell code default codes are 1234
    -barking dialogue is military random int (except the prisoner, that has no barking)
    -LCD mugshot ascii is a converted screenshot of the npc guard in the same room
    -combat steel
    -i am a bit unsure on the faction this can belong to, maybe pirates, but could be sth neutral like civilian too
    -questions -> see pdf

    -normal: storage main section (before medic)
    -normal: right storage room wing
    -rare: mirrored side opposite core, same position
    2 normal
    1 rare
    2xT3 extender
    T2 repair bay+console

    -o2 station
    -armor locker
    -Trader Medic
    -Trader MilitaryT3
    -T2 repair bay

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Oct 30, 2022
    MatCz and Hummel-o-War like this.

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