Place multiple blocks in one cell.

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Odion, Feb 28, 2022.

  1. Odion

    Odion Ensign

    Jan 20, 2022
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    The idea is simple: I would love to place a lamp directly over a door, or two railings onto stairs - without the need to build sometimes insanely complicated... its something, I really dislike in all the block building games.

    Here is my (naive) idea of a solution:

    1.) the fast way: simply aim at an already placed block, tap a hot key and you can place another item in the same spot, just like as if the first block doesnt exist. After placing, the conditions are reset and both blocks exist in the same cell. Want another block there? Hotkey => place => happyness.
    If you delete the cell, all blocks are gone.

    2.) the editor: you can open an editor and choose SM/HV/CV. I imagine it having a center screen, where you can freely put together blocks from your inventory. You are not limited to only one cell, so you can build larger units. Just drag it in the center screen and move it around just like at the sandbox editor. On one side (left or right) of the screen should be a column of all the blocks you used so far. You can select them, move, rotate and delete them freely.
    When done, you can save that template and put the now built unit where ever you want.
    If you delete a cell of the unit, all blocks in that cell are gone.

    additional thoughts:

    - I would implement both ideas together, if possible

    - the cells durability is determined by the average HPs of all blocks in that cell, so its useless to put 100 combat steel blocks in one cell. So if you put a plate with 1000HP, a lamp with 75HP and a door with 500HP in one cell, the entire cell will have 525HP.

    - collission is determined by all blocks present, so putting too much stuff in one cell will probably cause lags.

    - some blocks should not be able to put into multi-cells, like the core, weapons, generators and all other critical stuff.

    What do you think?
    bbk.3164 likes this.
  2. bbk.3164

    bbk.3164 Commander

    May 17, 2016
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    Very GOOD idea (!) :)
    This can be done with the help of "layer" (!)
    For example - all the main building blocks and modules - to be assigned to "Layer 1" - they should not intersect (!) Only be placed on top of each other!

    But some building blocks - for example "rounded corner inside" - are attributed to "Layer 2" (!)

    Modules - such as - lamps, medical stations, oxygen stations, some fans, ammo locker, decorative flowers, some furniture (chairs, bunk beds) = attributed to "Layer 3" (!!!)

    Then - all elements from "Layer 3" - allow to put INSIDE the objects of "Layer 2" (!)
    For example - to make a corner of the wall rounded inward, and put a lamp there, or a decorative flower, or an oxygen station (!)

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