Planet size

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by David Hartley, May 5, 2020.

  1. David Hartley

    David Hartley Ensign

    May 10, 2016
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    Please take this as an observation looking for other people's agreement or disagreement rather than as a complaint. I have recently moved up to alpha12 and restarted multiple times, as well as having played for a long time. In the most recent restart I started on a large temperate planet. It states the gravity is 0.92g, or slightly less than earth normal. I did not change the frequency of ore deposits. My observation from this start and others is that it seems like the absolute number of POIs and ore deposits is a constant so that on a large planet you end up with more empty (nature filled) space than a medium planet (never tried small). The same seems to be for moons and such. I like the new POIs introduced with 12, but it just seems like the absolute number doesn't ever change.
    So I guess my questions are do other people agree? Would it be nice if each planet when generated had a random number of POIs and ores based on size such that you can really encounter a barren world? Or perhaps a slider in the difficulty setting to change the frequency of POIs even if this creates repeats?
  2. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Most ore deposits and POIs do scale with planet size. Just not on the starting planets.
  3. David Hartley

    David Hartley Ensign

    May 10, 2016
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    I restart too often to have made it much past the starting planet very often, so that is good to know.

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