East Coast Newb server is a fairly new server and we went through server logs for an hour or two trying to find suspicious activity around a certain timeframe because someone created powerful inground (glitched) turret bases at the Akua Talon Guardian Temple/ Hyperion Crash Site, destroying anything and anyone going near the area. Here is the server log in question: 22-19:28:40.858 -LOG- [PA] Player 76561198333679682/'Wookie' logged in 22-19:54:19.126 -LOG- [CM] Player 76561198333679682/'Wookie' - client 26 disconnected 22-20:51:35.096 -LOG- [PA] Player 76561198333679682/'Wookie' asking for login 22-20:54:38.731 -LOG- Client 35/'Wookie' changes playfield to Akua Orbit Mind you, player Wookie had never joined this server beforehand and was level 1. In a matter of 25 minutes or so he was in Akua orbit, simply impossible without cheating, but very possible to create the makeshift deadly turret bases shown in the image below, through a terrain/turret glitch that is well-known and often exploited, and then skate off the server. His timeframe matches the time when thereafter that, multiple people complained of suspiciously getting shot down from harmless POI's that should not have been armed and littered with turrets, mind you underground non-visible ones. Everyone else on the server before then and after were relatives, friends and a couple well-known users. Be on the lookout, if you have had similar issues, check your logs for this user. The steam ID comes back to a relatively fresh, private account, level 0, one game installed/played (empyrion). Highly likely to be a bogus/griefer account. Banned from the server for cheating/griefing until proven otherwise.
Hi Splicer, can you PLEASE zip and upload the whole server savegame (if you use modified planets, please include the CONTENT folder as well) + add the full LOGs folder? Send download links -> [email protected]
Wookie is well known. That account has been banned from multiple servers. It has also been reported that the user can go into God mode, and run amok on Akua.
Ah, okay. Well, I'm glad we had found the right guy. @Hummel-o-War Roger that, I have directed my server admin to see this post and respond or to give me the files and I'll get them to you, I'm just a moderator for that server.
This guy got my server last night, but under the name "Mohammed" 09-01:10:22.654 -LOG- [PA] Player 76561198333679682/'Mohammed' asking for login 09-01:10:22.655 -LOG- [PA] Player 76561198333679682/'Mohammed' logged in Same steam ID. Basically first time on the server, saw him as level 8, immediately left Akua into orbit then to where I was in Ningues. Shortly after arriving there my capital ship and underground base just simply blew up. I immediately thought fishy and kicked him and blocked his IP from hitting my server.