Filed / Tracking Players can't smoothly walk up all boarding ramps [01487]

Discussion in 'Tracking / Filed' started by Garaman, Jul 18, 2024.

  1. Garaman

    Garaman Captain

    Aug 23, 2020
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    Build: 1.11.7 4480
    Mode: Creative/Survival
    Mode: Single Player/Multi Player
    DLC Installed: Installed, not active on save

    Reproducibility: Always
    Severity: Trivial

    Type: Devices (Boarding Ramps)

    Summary: In a 1G environment players cannot smoothly walk up some boarding ramps, and have to jump to traverse over the top/bottom ramp transition region

    The slope of boarding ramps should allow players to smoothly walk onto the ramp and up the entire length. However, at the spot where the upper deck ramp touches the lower deck ramp there is sometimes an invisible "step" that the player must traverse to enter the ramp. Depending on the ship angle and ramp size this lip may entirely stop the player, requiring them to jump over an invisible obstacle to then progress up the ramp.

    Steps to Reproduce:
    1. Load the attached "Ramp Tests" base in space. It is covered by a 1G gravity generator.
    2. Walk onto each ramp and observe the behavior
      1. The green marked ramps will allow the player to walk up smoothly
      2. The yellow marked ramps will cause the player to hitch at the start. On CVs not parked perfectly flat, this can stop the player dead on the ramp.
      3. The red marked ramps will stop the player completely, forcing them to jump to continue up the ramp.

    Overview of ramps and which are difficult to traverse:

    An example of where you get stuck on the 2x4x6 ramp:

    Attached Files:


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