Please add the rechargeable hybrid

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Lord Ganjanoof, Aug 24, 2020.

  1. Lord Ganjanoof

    Lord Ganjanoof Commander

    Jun 12, 2020
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    Another post about power management.
    As a beginner I initially complained about the solar panels limit of 15 and the poor yield of them.
    Actually it depends on the planet. I found out that some planets are yielding alot more. Capable of feeding a furnace only on solar during the day (15 panels tho). It's still a very hard limit. Players developed modular bases mainly because of this (maybe cpu too, but once you got your cpu upgraded you still face a power problem). While it helps creativity, it's still a pain in the arse for the common guys.
    Well well. I can understand there is a guideline in the gameplay that is what mankind did for ages : plundering the environment to get more resources to...

    About power, this is not a 21st century perspective. Please make a change. One should be able to convert solar power to molecule power, I'd say from water/hydrogen. Liquid hydrogen could make a decent fuel. Hydrogen + (solar) power makes liquid hydrogen. Liquid hydrogen makes fuel cells. Easy as that.

    Cheers !
  2. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    I developed modular bases for a very different reason: Survivability.
    A Zirax attack gone badly can leave you homeless, essentially starting completely over, on a singular, monolithic base. A modular base means the loss of a single structure does not leave you out in the cold. It also allows you to "break" things like Turret limits, as each base has its own limit. Need 128 plasma turrets to feel safe at night? Modular bases allow this.

    Don't want to wait 81 hours for those T4 CPU Exentions to finish building? You don't need them with modular bases. You can keep them all at T1, and use that gold for something more productive, like gambling!
  3. Lord Ganjanoof

    Lord Ganjanoof Commander

    Jun 12, 2020
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    Yeah alright, I'm totally satisfied too about the modular design as a good answer to the game's limitations, but actually my meaning was against those game's limitations. You're playing the game for too long to get my point. Drone attacks base by base when you do have 8 bases at the same place ALSO IS an arbitraty limitation you've been used to. If drones can break a 1x 100 useful things base, they can also break 10x10 useful things bases AT THE SAME TIME. So what does save you, the cores ? LOL. Newcomers might find that irrelevant, and they would be right to think so. It is rubbish. Imho of course (h for humble). It's not that I lack finding ways of addressing, I just don't like the concept.
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2020

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