Feedback Required Possible yaml file issue resolution

Discussion in 'Questions, Discussions & Feedback' started by Jeshuran, Mar 2, 2021.

  1. Jeshuran

    Jeshuran Ensign

    Aug 19, 2020
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    I run a dedicated server for some friends and have a lab for making changes for a slightly non vanilla version. I was trying to add a couple ships and a space stations to randomly generate in the default SpaceOrbit\space_dynamic.yaml When I made a change it would cause all the ships to spawn (example in Zirax territory instead of one of the zirax patrol vessels it would spawn ALL The zirax patrol vessels.) I restored several times to previous points and did a lot of troubleshooting trying to figure this out. As i was looking at the YAML file in Notepad++ I noticed an oddity in the original. It appears many of the "REM" comment lines are not commenting out, instead causing the line they are part of to not work

    This was easy enough for me to fix and it made the playfields now spawn expected numbers of vessels:


    I searched the forum and did not find anything about this, but it seems like something that would cause a lot of grief. I have not looked yet, but I suspect all the default YAML files may have this issue

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