Private multiplayer

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Snaky, Feb 20, 2021.

  1. Snaky

    Snaky Lieutenant

    Feb 20, 2021
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    Hi all
    Can we set a private multiplayer server for coop as its done in Osiris new dawn ?
    So we can both log alternately or together.
    Thanks for any answer.
  2. imlarry425

    imlarry425 Captain

    Jan 10, 2019
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    Yes, it's relatively easy although you may run into a few bumps along the way ... try the following and if you hit a wall just post a follow-on reply here and we can capture your suffering for future generations. Here's how you would do it in Windows, if you need Linux the basics should be similar.

    1. Setup your new machine and install Steam on it. Since Steam doesn't want to you log in on two machines at the same time you'll need a second account- there may be a way around that. If so if someone can throw in a link or describe thanks ahead of time.

    2. On your new machine install "Empyrion - Galactic Survival Dedicated Server"

    3. Using your file explorer navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Empyrion - Dedicated Server\Dedicated Server
    From here most of what you want to do can be done via the EmpyrionAdminHelper application. I'd suggest using EAH to avoid as much hair pulling as possible. Here's a quickstart that should take you through getting your game up.

    Additionally, you'll probably want to look at giving yourself administrator access. This opens up all sorts of exciting ways to cheat from the command line interface that you reach via the "`" key ... an example config YAML file is in the /Saves directory and you'll need to look up your integer Steam ID to add it. The file is sensitive to line ends so use a tool like notepad+ to edit and do only one edit at a time to localize any confusion/damage.
    Kassonnade likes this.
  3. Snaky

    Snaky Lieutenant

    Feb 20, 2021
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    Thanks a lot for your reply.
    But with this way, if i turn off my computer, as every single day, the server is off...
    In the game Osiris, you just need to select « multiplayer, private server » and its done. So my friends can continue the base while i’m not logged in. If nobody’s logged, the server is still reachable...
    There ´s nothing like that with Empyrion ? Without a personnal dedicated server ?...

    Thanks again
  4. imlarry425

    imlarry425 Captain

    Jan 10, 2019
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    By "setup your new machine" I was meaning configure an idle 3rd machine that you intend to leave running 24x7 to dedicate to stuff that you want to keep available all the time on your LAN. Not sure how Osiris sets this up without a dedicated machine in your network.

    My wife and I use our desktop machines (shutdown nightly) to run the Empyrion client app for coop play and use a third machine hanging on the wall (our networks media & misc catch-all server) that is logged into its own Steam account and runs the dedicated server software.


    If you want you can choose to make this machine visible to friends outside your private network and password protect the game.
    Kassonnade likes this.
  5. Snaky

    Snaky Lieutenant

    Feb 20, 2021
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    Thanks again !

    What a nice configuration !

    Unfortunately i prefer an easiest way to play with friends... I'm stucked that this kind of private multiplayer server, managed by the devs i think, can't be made with this game... Especially when this is taged #multiplayer, #openworld and #co-op... That sux a bit.

    Well, anyway thanks again :)

    I'll still follow this forum, maybe one day i'll have a cool answer ! Or if a dev is not far...
  6. imlarry425

    imlarry425 Captain

    Jan 10, 2019
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    No worries. FYI there are official public multiplayer servers run by the devs (see the "JOIN" command off the main menu) as well as private but open ones that you might want to take a peek at. Personally, I prefer PvE but if you don't mind having aggressive neighbors you might enjoy carving out a personal empire alongside folks hosting a PvP and they'll be happy for your company; just be prepared for the red mists of frustration if the a-holes of grief start raining down misery on you. 8^)

    If you don't mind paying extra there are also cloud-based managed systems that let you pay someone to do the sysadmin stuff on your behalf like HWS and Nitrado to name a couple- no personal experience with the value proposition there so caveat emptor and all that good stuff.

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