Fixed Problems with new blocks have not been fixed with EXP-I

Discussion in 'Fixed (Read Only)' started by Rayner_Lute, Jun 12, 2019.

  1. Rayner_Lute

    Rayner_Lute Ensign

    Dec 9, 2018
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    The problem is actually quite serious, but has not been fixed in any of the experimental versions. I and other people made a bug reports, tried to draw your attention. Of course, excuse me, but will you leave everything in this state in the release? 20190612105831_1.jpg
  2. If you are talking about this other thread of yours, then it's listed as filed/tracking which means they are actively looking into the problem. The last post in the thread is even from Pantera acknowledging the issue and telling you that it's logged and being looked at.

    It hasn't been fixed yet, but that doesn't mean they are just going to stop updating all together. They are still working on a fix for that particular issue.
  3. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    There is no need to write dubble bug reports. We will get to it when we can.

    Also your useing the wrong forum. This is for the public release 9.7

    EDIT> Moved it to the right place

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