Fixed RCS Display wrong numbers... like... everywhere... [8008]

Discussion in 'Fixed (Read Only)' started by Darinth, Feb 5, 2021.

  1. Darinth

    Darinth Commander

    Jan 11, 2021
    Likes Received:
    Build: 3259
    Mode: Noticed in Survival on a Dedicated Serber and confirmed in Singleplayer on creative

    SERVER NAME: Underbridge Coop Server

    If applicable:

    Reproducibility: Consistent
    Severity: Moderate

    Type: Vessel & UI

    Summary: RCS numbers displayed on component and vessel statistics are incorrect

    Description: All RCS are displaying inconsistent numbers in various places.
    The torque displayed in all RCS on the component/block description is 1000x (one engineering notation step) more powerful than what it appears to be generating and what is listed in the files.
    The torque listed in the vessel statistics under the torque details is extremely inconsistent.
    With the exception of the repulsor, all appear to generate the correct amount listed in the file (which is 1000x less than what is displayed on the component)
    Roll torque generated by RCS is always 30% of the yaw/pitch torque for some reason

    Screenshots of where I'm talking about in-game:
    Torque listed on block in-game is circled in red
    Torque listed in statistics is circled in red
    Apparent torque generated is circled in yellow

    HV Repulsor:
    Torque listed in BlocksConfig.ecf: 5
    Torque listed on block in-game: 5 kNm
    Torque listed in statistics: 10 Nm
    Apparent torque generated: 10Nm

    HV RCS:
    Torque listed in blocksConfig.ecf: 80
    Torque listed on block in-game: 80 kNm
    Torque listed in statistics: 80 Nm
    Apparent torque generated: 80Nm

    SV RCS:
    Torque listed in blocksConfig.ecf: 100
    Torque listed on block in-game: 100 kNm
    Torque listed in statistics: 100 Nm
    Apparent torque generated: 100Nm

    CV RCS:
    Torque listed in blocksConfig.ecf: 10000
    Torque listed on block in-game: 10 MNm
    Torque listed in statistics: 10 Nm
    Apparent torque generated: 10000 Nm (10 kNm)

    SV RCS:
    Torque listed in blocksConfig.ecf: 150000
    Torque listed on block in-game: 150 MNm
    Torque listed in statistics: 150000 Nm (except for the roll force, which lists 45 Nm instead for 45000 Nm)
    Apparent torque generated: 150000 Nm (150 kNm)

    Steps to Reproduce: Look at the values listed on the component, put it on ship and check the statistics. Get confused and go to BlocksConfig.ecf to figure out what the real values are. Get more confused because those values don't seem to match anything. Keep digging. Realize that at least the right values are being produced in the end... even if the correct values aren't being displayed anywhere except in the final apparent torque. Get more confused when HV repulsors generate twice as much torque as they should.

    Screenshots, Crash Logs, any other Relevant Information or Download links:
    The only relevant screenshots are from the one above. It has 2 repulsors attached which should give it a total of 10 torque by the values listed in the file. It has 20. I don't know why.
    mr_road and Daedalon like this.
  2. suito_venus

    suito_venus Ensign

    Sep 30, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Build: 1.5.2 3389
    Mode: All Game Mode
    Mode: Singleplayer

    SEED-ID: 0

    If applicable:

    Reproducibility: Always
    Severity: Minor

    Type: RCS

    Summary: RCS Torque is incorrect or not calculated correctly or display not correctly at CV/SV/HV.

    Description: RCS Torque is different to displays Vessel's Statistics OVERVIEW Torque(Detail) Screen CV/SV/HV

    • HV:RCS 80kNm displays at item description. But set RCS to HV effects only 0.08kNm at Vessel's Statistics OVERVIEW Torque(Detail). 0.08kNm means 80Nm. -> (1/1000)
    • SV:RCS 100kNm displays at item description. But set RCS to HV effects only 0.10kNm at Vessel's Statistics OVERVIEW Torque(Detail). 0.10kNM means 100Nm. -> (1/1000)
    • CV:RCS 10MNm displays at item description. But set RCS to CV effects only 10kNm at Vessel's Statistics OVERVIEW Torque(Detail). (1/1000)
    Steps to Reproduce:

    1. Spawn Vessel.
    2. Displays Control Panel.
    3. Select Statistics tab and Checked Torque(Detail) in OVERVIEW. Check Torque.
    4. Add RCS.
    5. Re-Check Torque(Detail).
    See Attached Screenshot.

    • 01_SV_before.jpg
    • 02_SV_RCS_Torque.jpg
    • 03_SV_after_add_2x_RCS.jpg
    • 11_CV_before.jpg
    • 12_CV_RCS_Torque.jpg
    • 13_CV_after_add_2x_RCS.jpg
    • 21_HV_before.jpg
    • 22_HV_RCS_Torque.jpg
    • 23_HV_after_add_2x_RCS.jpg

    Attached Files:

    Dietrich and Garaman like this.
  3. Aaron(Wakfu)

    Aaron(Wakfu) Commander

    Jun 1, 2021
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    bump rcs do nothing
  4. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    stop Bumping... it will do you no good...
    Besides this report is from last Thursday...:rolleyes:
  5. Aaron(Wakfu)

    Aaron(Wakfu) Commander

    Jun 1, 2021
    Likes Received:
    ok i wont sorry.

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