Recruiting! Seal Team 600 PVP Monsters!

Discussion in 'Multiplayer Meeting Room' started by SealTeam600, Jul 3, 2016.

  1. SealTeam600

    SealTeam600 Ensign

    Jul 3, 2016
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    Hey guys, not sure I'm suppose to post this here. But here goes.

    Seal Team 600 an 18+ PVP and exploration Oriented group is looking for active or mostly active players! We already have 6 active players and willing to grow.

    We are a cool bunch of people, we like to keep conversations light and fun and do a little teasing every now and then, a down to earth group of people.

    About us-

    - We work and operate on the honor system

    - We recognize leadership and give more responsibility accordingly

    - We lIke a good fight

    - Teamwork and Brotherhood are very important to us

    - We want everybody to have there very own CV

    - We want everybody to have Multiple SV'S the more the better

    - Currently working on underground fighting arena for exhibition PVP combat.


    - All SV'S must have at least 5 turrets on them

    - All CV'S must have at least 18 Turrets on board

    - Must be willing to scramble quickly in PVP Situations and follow the intructions of the owner or admins

    - Be willing to add to the Group as a whole, If you have something to offer we will have something to offer you

    - Be willing to attend discussion regarding Aerodynamics and Military Tactics ( Aeriel Manueveres, how to format skirmish lines etc)

    - Be all around cool

    If this sounds like a group for you. Join our Brotherhood and contact Goliath118 on Steam ( Macedonian Star as his profile picture)

    Take care everybody =)

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