Sectors.yaml - the small print - unforeseen errors

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by, Jan 24, 2024.

  1. Ensign

    Aug 19, 2022
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    Hello everyone ...

    I'm new to the subject of dedicated servers and setting up file structures ... and as is probably the case with most people, I have encountered several problems that make my hair stand on end.

    My previous search for all these lines of code in this one file with the great name "Sectors.yaml" that holds the whole universe together was only semi-successful on the net.

    Especially when it comes to the exact structure and what you have to pay attention to, all the "ATTENTIONS" and "idiot hints" regarding some very questionable prerequisites on the part of the game developers at Eleon are unfortunately always missing.

    For example, I came across the fact that in my solar system some orbits of planets are displayed and others are not.

    But what nobody tells YOU is that the 1st planet type you want to use here should NOT be a MOON and that it must have the coordinates '0,0,0'. Otherwise you can select it as the starting planet but it will simply not be there in the universe or system view.

    For my part, for example, I thought at first that there had to be a certain "minimum distance" between the individual planets and that this was probably why it didn't show me one or the other. At least that was my impression at the beginning.

    But this is not the case, which you realize at the latest when you put several planets and moons together in a playfield section and choose the coordinates so that the planets have to overlap. Then it can sometimes happen that one moon optically "flies" through the current planet without damaging it or yourself.

    There are also several things that can be set in this definition line, unless they are controlled by the planet type in its Playfield.yaml.

    ['0,0,0', Sun, Sun, '', '', 'G', '10']

    As you probably know, this line contains the coordinates in '' first, then the name you have chosen, followed by the planet type. Everything after that is subject to the optional empire.

    After the planet comes the information about which faction is allowed to come here or has a starting point here - for humans this would be 'Human:1'

    I haven't yet found out what the next value is.

    The sixth value in ' is then the color, the color type or the star type and the last value is the number for the size.

    For planets and moons, this only goes from 1 to 5 - in my opinion, gas giants and suns go up to a size number of 10. At least in my case, values above this had no further influence on the size of suns, for example.

    - Name: Sirius Starsystem
    # StarClass: G

    - Coordinates: ['0, 0, 0]
    Color: '1.00,0.83,0.36'
    SectorMapType: None
    - ['0,0,0', Sirius A, Sun, '', '', 'G', '10']

    - Coordinates: [20, 5, 20]
    Color: '1.00,0.48,0.00'
    SectorMapType: None
    - ['0,0,0', Sirius B, Sun, '', '', 'K', '10']

    You can also create a double star system using the top two blocks, but you should first switch off the "StarClass" line with #

    That's all from me so far in the hope that this information can help someone here...
  2. Ensign

    Aug 19, 2022
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    For more information or questions ... just have a look in your Steam folder of Empyrion ...

    In most cases you will find some "+Example" files in the folder "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\Steamapps\common\Empyrion - Dedicated Server\Content\Playfields".

    Here I also learned why my planet size setup just wouldn't work right away ^-^

    In all playfield_dynamic.yaml files of each planet or moon you will find three lines of code that set the planet size you can use or not.

    So I just edited these lines a bit to have all five sizes available. The whole thing now looks like this :

    SizeRange: [1,2,3,4,5]
    SizeProbs: [0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2]

    The "why" the values have to be SO or something similar is then also included in these nice "+example" files ^-^

    Unfortunately, however, it is (still) pointed out in the (most) instructions for server construction that these wonderful files exist at all ... but then again ^-^
  3. Ensign

    Aug 19, 2022
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    A quick addendum ...

    Unfortunately, the above only applies if you want to create quasi random planets, then the game just builds any planet or moon based on the size specifications ...

    However, if you want to determine the size of one or the other moon or planet yourself, you have to copy and rename the entire folder of the respective playfield until you have the desired sizes.

    For example, if you want to have planets in sizes 3 to 5 and moons in sizes 1 to 3, you will unfortunately need three copies of each folder.

    At the end you only have to edit - see above - the playfield_dynamic.yaml and define exactly which size this planet should have.

    For example, I now have five folders with the names Moon1, Moon2, Moon3 etc ...
    The lines in these folders then contain ...

    For size 1 ...
    SizeRange: [1]
    SizeProbs: [1]

    For size 2 ...
    SizeRange: [2]
    SizeProbs: [1]

    For size 3 ...
    SizeRange: [3]
    SizeProbs: [1]

    For size 4 ...
    SizeRange: [4]
    SizeProbs: [1]

    For size 5 ...
    SizeRange: [5]
    SizeProbs: [1]

    ... at least has the advantage that you can make further embellishments to the planets and moons, which adds even more variety to the game ...Only the keyboard is not particularly happy about the extra typing ^-^
  4. Ensign

    Aug 19, 2022
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    it seems like all "Moons" still want to use SIZE 2 instead of any other ... all other SIZES still ends up in the error-message "ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection." ...

    ... i am really not amused about that ... ... fact ... ... i think i will take another look tomorrow ... for now i am done with all that sh... ... ...
  5. Ensign

    Aug 19, 2022
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    It seems we can't get a size 1 moon or planet because - for whatever reason - the developers probably don't want that (anymore) ...

    ... there is several times the information that there can be planets from size 1 to 10, but no "walkable" ones - unfortunately they are (so far) only available in sizes 2 to 5 ...

    Sorry, but I think that's a bit low ... Four usable planet sizes ONLY for a huge universe - difficult ... and they're talking about Eleon wanting to get out of the alpha stage because their game is "almost finished" and the first DLC is due soon.

    There's probably nothing else to do at the moment but ONLY work with it.
    It would at least be nice if you could - as with other values - extend the sizes with a comma (or dot) ... then you would at least have a bit more choice of sizes ... but it probably won't work due to the size of the pitch ... I guess ... who knows ...

    ... we can only wait for further upgrades ^-^
  6. Taelyn

    Taelyn Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Oct 4, 2021
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    Planets / moons only ever had size 2,3,4 and 5. 2 is the old size and 5 is 64 times larger

    Suns and GasGiants can have any size

    There are no plans to change this

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