Shadow of Humanity (PVP Orbits)

Discussion in 'Multiplayer Meeting Room' started by ColdestBlood, May 1, 2016.

  1. ColdestBlood

    ColdestBlood Ensign

    Jan 14, 2016
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    Long time survival game players [SoH] are proud to present our Empyrion server. We would like to build up a good community that would like to focus on space and group PVP in a sportsmanlike way. Whether you would like to join us or fight against us for survival and planetary control, we welcome you to come play and most of all HAVE FUN.
    We have enabled PVP orbits on all planets except the starters for fair CV buildup time. And the new planet of Oscutune is ground and orbit PVP aswell. We will be resetting POI's on the highly populated planets aswell to keep the danger of aliens alive too. Player limit will go up as we gain a community so do not let the 25man limit get you down.
    Lets have fun shooting eachother in space!!!

    Want to get in contact with us?

  2. Rice Cakes

    Rice Cakes Ensign

    May 7, 2016
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    Our faction stumbled upon this server after starting on numerous servers that ended with frustration; either from abusive admins to servers being unstable. Shadow of Humanity Server has been stable through my two weeks playing. Better yet, the admins are proactive in keeping the server cheat free and listens to the community. Any grievances, they professionally find the solution if they can. Definitely a permanent server for our faction.

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