Shattered Galaxy ReLaunch!!

Discussion in 'Multiplayer Meeting Room' started by ckulp99, Oct 19, 2017.

  1. ckulp99

    ckulp99 Lieutenant

    Jan 22, 2017
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    We at Shattered Galaxy are proud to announce that we are doing a fresh launch of the server for 7.0!!

    There are a few changes for anyone that has played with us previously, these are listed in the updates text channel of our discord which will be linked below.
    Also linked below will be our website for anyone interested in checking out our rules, content, Role Play, and other various things.

    As for people who have not played with us:
    Shattered galaxy is a PVP only server. This means that once you leave the starters the game is all about PVP. PvP is the toughest way to play this game, has a learning curve, and is difficult, however it is the most rewarding way to play and will net you new friends and a sense of achievement when your ship crushes someone else.
    We have produced videos that are on our youtube channel and website to help people new to PvP transistion as well as having several players with over 1k hours that have all the knowledge needed to help you along your way. There is also a steam workshop group that has PvP built ships so you can see first hand in single player how these things are built. Contact our admin Myth through discord for info on that. Our server specs are listed in the discord and on the website, but I assure you we are running some of the biggest hardware of any servers currently.

    We hope to see you with us soon and open you up to a new way to play this game!!




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