So what do you think about Steam Ruining / Destroying PC Gaming?

Discussion in 'Other Discussion' started by StoneLegion, Apr 24, 2015.

  1. StoneLegion

    StoneLegion Captain

    Oct 20, 2014
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    Not sure if you guys heard but steam now has a feature to charge for workshop items. Clearly something in the works for a while with Bethesda.

    I personally think this is the worst attack against PC Gaming and the whole modding of PC Gaming since the start of PC Gaming. Their counting on us doing nothing because how can you leave owning 100's if not 1000's of PC Games. This why people feared Steam years ago but got so much praise.[]=paiditems#
  2. Brokenshakles

    Brokenshakles Rear Admiral

    Feb 14, 2015
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    How is this any different than Unity's store? Steam is just expanding monetization option for both the publisher and unaffiliated 3rd parties to add content to a game while asking for some compensation for it. Mind you, I think such a think should be subject to the approval of the maker of the original game, but I hardly think that this is the end of the free modding community. The maker of the original game should not be able to demand money for other people's content, but that also should be obvious. People said similar things about Steam's DRM, but that "feature" has slowly gotten more benign over time. Steam and Gaben have their finger on the pulse on the gaming community, they are not disconnected in the same way EA or Microsoft is. Although, this might be a ploy to embarrass Bethesda by allowing their attempt to monetize formerly free content fall flat on it's face.
  3. StoneLegion

    StoneLegion Captain

    Oct 20, 2014
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    Many things:
    • Think about every mod for Minecraft or any other games costing money. I would of ended up going console gaming.
    • Think about people pirating other peoples work to make money off it. Already being done as we speak since this started today
    • Think about 75% of the money goes to valve.
    • Think about the user has to earn $100 or technically $400 because the 75% or they get no money.
    • Think about one the most pop mods for Skyrim for example Wet and Cold guts their normal version and turns it into a free one that always was free and starts charging for their mod that has been always free and loyal to people.
    • Think about overall modding dying because people start refusing to pay and the big projects end up having no user base and starting dropping like flies.
    • Think about valve removing donation buttons like paypal patron etc and forcing people to use their new sell system as part of their terms of service?
    I find it already disgusting people been doing it for plugins etc for Minecraft for ages. The entire modding community has turned so hostel in the last 10 years over things like similar content, copyright, paid features, and more. Modding and PC Gaming can't handle such a thing right now. It's at a weak state and can't handle more jabs like this.

    Clearly it will not end free modding etc. But it will create a more hostel environment overtime. Valve is forcing people not to get donations etc just makes it worse making the guys who enjoy doing this for free, learning, resume, etc. Rage quit faster.

    They should of added a donate button and kept it simple as that is what they always just wanted.
  4. Arrclyde

    Arrclyde Rear Admiral

    Mar 6, 2015
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    Well i think this COULD be problematic at some point in the future. If People think about making Mods not because they are passionated about the game and have fun making it, but instead start making mods to make money, this might take a downhill road.

    I liked the donation buttons and that modders gave a way to people that would love support those mods and the effort put into them. But after all mods is about passion. And as much as i understand that mods only exist because of the game that has been made, i do not understand why Valve or the developer should get a dime for the work of another. If you don't want mods (and that somebody gets money thru donations for them) simply do NOT allow mods to be made, like with some games over at Steam that get patched automatically when the files don't match the original game. The disgusting "25% for the modder 75% for Valve (and the developer of the game)"-rate is something i highly disagree with.

    But after all: most games that are being played are played without mods (compare mods downloads with sales total). So Valve is trying to cash in at a pretty small market and is risking a bad reputation in the process of doing so. Some games might end up not being bought/played/modded at all because the consumer is being force fed with paid user generated content.

    Not to mention about this whole process of being a "seller". Not only that content creator might their stuff get stolen and sold by another person, if you create something that you sell you HAVE to make SURE that it works. Think of al the refunding cases that might happen.

    To the modders i want to say: make because you have fun making it, and let it be because of the passion for the game and enhancing the experience and you will get something out of it. If you start doing mods because of the money you might (with a high chance) end up getting nothing, so maybe not even appreciation/recognition/kudos for making them, and you are making them for the wrong reasons.

    To Valve i would say... You didn't learn form your totally wrong approach with the Steambox, and now you making the next step in a direction you don't want to go. That direction would be getting the title in the future that then former belonged to EA ;-)

    I am so excited about how this will turn out..... :)
  5. Brokenshakles

    Brokenshakles Rear Admiral

    Feb 14, 2015
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    Well, given a 75% "tax rate", I don't think any serious modder will use this system as-is. This is why I think this whole thing with the paid mods may be a ploy to embarrass Bethesda. I think the people at Valve know well that this is a bad deal, and have purposefully designed it that way. That way they can say they tried it but it did not work. I mean, why would any modder accept that tax rate when they can simply post a Chip-in or Patreon link and make more money outside of Steam than inside of it? Something about this whole arrangement screams "Designed to fail".

    Steam machines are a different matter, and their problems are slowly being resolved, I believe that they will be slowly pounded into a sellable product by the end of the year.
  6. StoneLegion

    StoneLegion Captain

    Oct 20, 2014
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  7. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Well if SE support it, all that will happen is, instead of thousands or hundreds of thousands downloading the mod, a few hundred will.....The loosers, everyone.
    Greed always corrodes value......
    I think paying for mods is a bad idea, and sux, it should be donations.
    I wont be using any payed for mods, the whole thing is just a greedy money grab.

    There are thousands of modders, how can steam charge for there work at all ?
    Steam will end up being hated like Apple are if there not careful.....

    Blatent plagiarism of other peoples work that they did not create for profit, I think it stinks of fat greedy pie eating Mc f*@ks....
  8. Brokenshakles

    Brokenshakles Rear Admiral

    Feb 14, 2015
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    Valve will definitely have to police this like Youtube police's plagiarism and DMCA, its a big burden to take up.
  9. JayCo

    JayCo Commander

    Jan 14, 2015
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    Yeah heard about it, dont like it. I dont know all the ins and outs of it, and am reluctant to find out. I would possibly be ok with buying mods so long as there was some guarantee that the modder themselves would coninually keep their mod not only up to date but functional aswell for so long as the game is played.
  10. StoneLegion

    StoneLegion Captain

    Oct 20, 2014
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    haha this was enjoyable to see Valve "fix" today.
  11. Brokenshakles

    Brokenshakles Rear Admiral

    Feb 14, 2015
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    LOL, ouch. They still have a crapton of points with me for their Linux work, over a hundred new Linux Releases last month. Still disconcerting though. Still, I must remember that Gaben used to be a Microsoft strategist. Mind you, I don't know if this is Valve or Bethesda's doing. If Valve is smart they will scapegoat Bethesda.
  12. Brokenshakles

    Brokenshakles Rear Admiral

    Feb 14, 2015
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    Where did you get this pic? I would like to use it in an article I'm writing.
  13. StoneLegion

    StoneLegion Captain

    Oct 20, 2014
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  14. Brokenshakles

    Brokenshakles Rear Admiral

    Feb 14, 2015
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  15. StoneLegion

    StoneLegion Captain

    Oct 20, 2014
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    No one since they can't copyright the images inside the image :p The guy who made it deleted his post as in you don't know now.
  16. Syncaidius

    Syncaidius Ensign

    Apr 26, 2015
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    Hi! Its my first post here, but couldn't resist replying to this topic.

    As a big fan of Space Engineers (played it almost daily for the last 2 months), Marek's tweets are extremely worrying to me, and many other SE players. If they do end up supporting paid mods, I'm not sure I can support KSH, or play their games anymore.

    You can see how worried everyone is here:

    (Apologies if its against the rules to link to SE forums, but I feel it is needed to show how worried the community is about paid mods).

    I've been watching Empyrion for some time now (epic work so far!) and it seems to point towards not supporting paid mods. If this is true, you can gladly take my money! :)

    On a side note, Skyrim is about to drop below "Very Positive" on steam (its bordering on 90% right now). It was 98% "Overwhelmingly positive" before the paid mod backlash. I think this is a clear sign of everyone's opinion on the matter. :)

    Edit: Skyrim lost another 1% rating since I posted.
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2015
  17. Xentor

    Xentor Captain

    Jan 10, 2015
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    I think about this the following:
    I will NEVER pay for Mods.
    I will give by free will money to the developers, when their work is worthy. (Donations)
    But NEVER forced.
    If this comes in Style. I will simple notmore use Mods.
    And that is, what we all should do.

    The magical words are "Free decission".
    RavenX, piddlefoot and Syncaidius like this.
  18. StoneLegion

    StoneLegion Captain

    Oct 20, 2014
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    We have no rules against posting other games or linking them here. So you did fine. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
    Syncaidius likes this.
  19. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    I totally agree.
    I have donated many times to modders.
    Valve wasn't so much bad or good in the old days, but STEAM was, well, a steaming pile for a long time. Valve has always had bad customer service but isn't any worse than anyone else for the most part, and has always spearheaded pro-consumer and pro-developer things like steam sales on older/forgotten games in order to help both groups while making money themselves. Some of their projects are questionable, but you can see the good intent. Even the payed mod fiasco you can see the intent behind helping modders, bethesda, and making a buck in the process. The problem is it SCREWS consumers out of something that was already free and we could donate for, while also not being legitimate enough to make sure it actually has the modder submitting the mod. So really, it only for sure helps steam and bethesda, consumers get a raw deal and modders get a mixed deal. So, you see consumers expressing outrage and dissatisfaction.
    fractalman likes this.
  20. VoicesDark

    VoicesDark Commander

    Dec 25, 2014
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    *Unofficial Post*

    As a modder I think this is one of the dumbest things I have ever seen. There has always been the possibility of a modder accepting donations for their work, but it was never a forced thing. There's been this unsaid agreement between modders and most devs/ips, now this is opening up a can of IP/Copyright legality muck that's not good for anyone. Steam has already refused to delete a mod where the mod author was contacted because of copyright/ip infringement and had agreed to remove and delete the mod.

    Being one of the original group of modders for SE I had over 10,000 subs on one of my mods and equally as many from my other mods combined, and because of the way Steam is doing this and Keen already stating they will be allowing paid mods I've already had to remove those mods. I know of a lot of other modders that are removing their mods and players that are uninstalling SE and will not be buying anything else from Keen. With Steam,Keen, and Skyrim only being the first few to start this and the already firestorm it's created this could really lead to some dark times for PC gaming.

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