some ideas

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by grafmokin, Jun 23, 2020.

  1. grafmokin

    grafmokin Ensign

    Jun 23, 2020
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    i have some ideas about game.
    Be cool if u do attractor beam on capital ships and small ships. and players can by this beam tow ships of his friand or his enemys.
    And i think CPU tears of capital ships must be balanced. T4 good. but T3 very low. litle butleship whithout gravity generator constructors and etc must be T4, and very big drednougt must be T4, it's strange.

    And be cool if players can walk on ship and do his own work, when ship in move.

    And very cool if in symetric build i can symetric delete blocks.

    Thx for all what u do.

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