Stargates? ME Relay-type CV teleportation

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by EvilSmoo, Sep 8, 2023.

  1. EvilSmoo

    EvilSmoo Ensign

    Dec 14, 2017
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    I can understand why teleporters shouldn't be galaxy-wide. That list could get pretty huge.

    But, playing with a few friends at different stages, and with different priorities? There's no good way to move around from far flung locations, like 500ly or 1000ly or more.

    And by "good" I mean to have both downsides and upsides.

    On the downside- the system should not function less than 100 or 500 ly or so. Teleporters and warp drives are ideal for that and should not be devalued. And you should have to fly there once normally.

    And another downside, this could base on carried inventory, if the server is concerned with moving too much cargo around and wants to force people to burn pentaxid to do so, or just limit cargo, that should be respected.

    On the upside? Moving CVs 1000ly, for looking for things in different spheres, or going to join someone.

    And another why- game glitches. If something weird happens, you can fly back with a different CV. Not that Empyrion has any bugs or anything...


    As far as HOW? Well, stargates of course. Not the Stargate TV show gate, the Mass Effect relay thing. So you'd build one at your home base, then travel many jumps and build another one, and a teleporter base for closer range travel on foot.

    So, you'd go to a relay, and get a list of all faction and personal relays. A shorter list than all the NPC teleports, probably. (I suppose NPCs could get rare relays?)

    Then feed in pentaxid or something? Power? Or solar power? If both source and destination had to charge, that would keep it from throwing war fleets around too much.

    My feeling is that flying there once is interesting. As is exploring. But jumping around over and over for certain resources will get boring. Better to make CV teleport nodes as needed.
    Wellingtoon likes this.

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