Hi when you leave your SV for example, and start to take it apart, then you realize you want it to go away but can't be bothered to disassemble it... I make a hole in the ground where I want it to fall. I load-reload game, I stand on it, I ram ships into it... its just stuck there in its place because I guess it thinks its parked. What I have to do is put cockpit on it to make it calc some gravitys. Any other way to make this more .. worky?
Sadly no. The game only calculates gravity effects on vessels when there is someone in the cockpit. Sometimes it randomly works if there isn't a player in a cockpit, but that's actually a bug and not intentional. It used to work all the time and then the devs changed things to where it only works when occupied. We still don't know the actual reason for that change. It is a terrible change though and really needs to be reverted.
No doubt someone in PvP found something annoying to do with this - that seems to be the root cause of most things I hate in this.
This explains a lot. Would love for all vehicles to fall to the ground, adding code to create conditionals merely adds technical debt.