Stellarscape (server idea, requesting feedback)

Discussion in 'Multiplayer Meeting Room' started by Journeyman1337, Aug 16, 2023.

  1. Journeyman1337

    Journeyman1337 Ensign

    Aug 16, 2023
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    I am thinking about hosting a roleplay server, and I am wondering if people in this community would be interested. I wrote a short description of what I want to do bellow. If this server sounds like something you would be interested in or you have suggestions, please tell me.

    Stellarscape is a whitelisted Empyrion with roleplay rules. Join this server in order to live out the life of a settler in the Large Magellanic Cloud. Before being whitelisted, players are required to design a character and have it approved by server staff. To describe a character idea, players have are required write a short biography which can be written by AI tools such as ChatGPT. The rules for staff approval are very lenient and designed to encourage creativity.

    Players are encouraged to group together and form factions. Just like with characters, factions must be approved of by server staff. When players create a faction, they are allowed to claim playfields. When a faction owns a playfield, they are allowed to "evict" other players and force them to leave. They are also allowed to declare their playfield as private, meaning that players who are not in their faction are not able to gather resources or settle there. This will be enforced through the use of mods. Factions may choose to declare war on each other for territory.

    The server is mostly PvE. However, PvP may be enabled by server staff for roleplay reasons. For example: playfields that are far from any faction may have PvP enabled to allow for pirate activity. Also, if a faction declares a siege on a different faction’s territory, PvP will be enabled by the staff team at a time that is agreed on by everyone. If you do not want to participate in PvP, you can easily avoid it by not entering playfields with PvP enabled, and you have time to evacuate from your stuff before sieges occur.

    If players die in PvP, they are considered dead in roleplay and may no longer be played. However, this server is different from roleplay servers in other games because players can choose to continue playing as a clone of the slain character and inherit the memories of their previous one. Players may choose to create new characters at any time they like, and they can keep their property and skills if they provide a roleplay reason for why their new character has inherited it.

    Stellarscape has no official trading hub stations managed by the server staff. Instead, players can create their own trading stations. The server still has POIs that can be raided for loot, however.

    Rare resources that can be used to make higher tier outfits and equipment are found only in specific locations. However, basic materials required to make low tier equipment for survival and exploration can be found everywhere, so they cannot be monopolized by factions. Gold coins cannot be converted into credits in order to prevent inflation, and gold ore is instead used as a rare crafting resource. Crafting recipes are heavily modified to make this possible.

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