Would be nice if we could get some more docking options on HVs. the SV landing gears allow for hidden docking points, raised HVs (no ugly bump on its bottom to put the docking pad on, but a nice extending one) it would also make bottom docking a lot more viable. and in general; more building options is always better, people will think of something cool to do with them that we didnt even think of yet. uploaded a screenshot with a raised HV.. there's no nice way to get docking pads on there. limits design choices.
I think it has possibilities. I would like to see an extendable docking pad that can be used on the topside to enable docking from below. I do that now with the current pads, but there are instances where it would be convenient and more attractive to have it concealed until needed then extend to clear turrets and other structures. It would be desirable if it could be maually operated as well. An alternative would be an extending grappler attached to the mother ship that that could extend out/down and grasp the docking vessel HV/SV/CV.
You can put a pad say on teh back, and dock to a wall or support The problem with the request, is landing gear are just blocks that play an animation with proximity; they can't be otherwise activated. The gear would either stay down continuously or activate with bouncing on the terrain There may be collision issues as well; the block is still there even if the gear is "up"
That's why an Extendable Docking Pad. My Eagle EMT modules have docking pads on top to attach to the Eagle's framework. when I modified the module to have defensive turrets on top, the phantom blocks interfered with docking. I then mounted docking pads to the front in order to attach to A-10 Thunderbolt SV. I could have mounted the pads on posts of some kind, that would look like crap and possibly interfered with the turrets.
Im sure there are technical difficulties for the dev team to tackle if this had to become a thing, Im just giving the dev team my building wishes