As anyone who's seen any of my creations so far probably knows, texturing isn't really my strong point at the moment as I haven't had a lot of practice with it. When I'm building SV's it's not normally much of a problem bu with my latest attempt at a CV I feel like the texturing is far more important. For the main hull I prefer the newer hull texture in the tool but find that the lines just mess up horribly when using slanted pieces whereas the old hull texture isn't quite so obviously messed up, though it suffers from the same problem at the moment. The only tricky bit I've come across so far is colour matching of, for example, reinforced steel plating default texture and components like thrusters, where the same colour in the colour tool looks completely different on them and you have to use a lighter shade, if there is one, on the steel to make it almost the same. For instance in the screenshot below the supports running around the ship are the brightest red in the colour tool, but to make the thrusters match I had to use the darkest red on them... Not all that important but it helps to explain some of the current texturing decisions. With that in mind here's the latest screenshot of my escort carrier type thing. If anyone could make any suggestions for improving the texturing I'd be very appreciative!
I've done a bit more work and extended the back a bit as I needed more internal space, so updated screenshot:
I prefer the blue of the first one. I have the sames problem, the white color with reinforcement steel is look like grey, but not white.
I recognized that it matters a lot on which texture you apply color. If you want it more white try that texture which looks like wallpaper and paint it white. I my expierence this will look muich better than on normal texture, very bright an good.
Thanks guys, your comments made me sit and have a think a bit more. I was never keen on the stripe regardless of the colour because nothing in the palette quite seemed to match, but I did like the idea of having some blue in there. I also tried the wallpaper white idea but that ended up looking nice and bright but very flat. My latest attempt is something I'm mostly happy with I think, I need to get the outside right before I move on to building the interior! Because I was fed up of this yesterday but now I'm in full steam mode again, I've re-christened the ship the Phoenix-class:
Cool ship mate In my builds I use base textures of steel and reinforced steel as a base layer and then apply textures and paint only for certain details: In most of the times I use bright/cyan colors on those textures which have lighting elements. The glowing effect can then be reinforced by adding lights of the same or similar color: Thin blocks are extremely useful in making some cool ornaments/signs on your builds: If you make an interesting inner shapes on the hull you can apply textures with light elements thus creating more realistic/sci-fi feel of the exterior:
So taking some of the posted ideas I've modified it a little more, just on the side facing the camera at the moment as a test. Changed the colour of the "cooling vents" back to grey to make up for the fact there's more cyan going on now. Once it's done I'll post it. Thanks for the interest!
Now that I'm pretty happy with the exterior it's time to turn to the interior! Been working on the hangar bay first and I've completed my first pass, though I haven't done any real colouring or texture work yet. Added four of my Maul fighters so you get an idea of how you can put ships in, there'd normally be a row on the ceiling too : Now if I'm not brilliant at exterior texturing and greebles I'm completely rubbish at interiors, so any advice before I start is greatly appreciated!
I always work with a theme color + 1 or 2 matching colors. You kinda have to think of it as mascara on a woman : Less is more . You don't want to many screaming contrastings and to many colors together. Same goes for textures, to many makes it too busy and unbalanced. Always take a step back and observe the complete picture, then its emotion will reflect your preference. Trust your gut feeling, you'll find that inspiration, that muze. It speaks to you all the time, you just need to listen.