Fixed The adventure is not continued ...

Discussion in 'Fixed (Read Only)' started by cmguardia, May 25, 2021.

  1. cmguardia

    cmguardia Captain

    Mar 4, 2018
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    Build: 1.5 3362
    Mode: Survival
    Mode: Singleplayer

    SERVER NAME: My pc.
    SEED-ID: 368852

    If applicable:

    Reproducibility: I dont now.
    Severity: It is not possible to continue the story.

    Type: I dont now.

    Summary: Missions do not continue after Chapter 3.

    At the end of the mission in the "inferno club" there is an incoming message notice, but the message does not arrive.
    So I went to the moon to see if the mission continued there. But on the moon there is nothing ...
    How do we continue at this point?.

    Steps to Reproduce:
    What happened was to finish the game at the "Inferno Club" and go back to my base. Exit the game and re-enter the next day. But there is no mission to follow and no point where to go.

    Summary: No se puede continuar la historia despues del Capitulo 3.

    Al final de la misión en el "club infernal" hay un aviso de mensaje entrante, pero el mensaje no llega.
    Así que fui a la luna para ver si la misión continuaba allí. Pero en la luna no hay nada ...
    ¿Cómo continuamos en este punto ?.

    Steps to Reproduce:
    Los que sucedió fué terminar el juego en el "Inferno Club" y volver a mi base. Salir del juego y volver a entrar al día siguiente. Pero no hay misión que seguir ni punto a donde dirigirse.

    Attached Files:

  2. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    When the countdown is 0 there should be a dialogue popping up. So you did not see that? Do you remeber what you did when the counter hit zero? (maybe opening an inventory, shooting.. something like that?)

    Next thing you can do if you missed that - and as from your screenshot you clearly finished the Totall Overpowered mission (green) - is to check the "A glacial grave" mission. Click on it and it will reveal how to procede in the DESCRIPTION area
  3. cmguardia

    cmguardia Captain

    Mar 4, 2018
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    When reviewing the following missions I did not notice that I had to go to the ice planet! For some reason I didn't see that information!
    We'll see if it continues automatically.

    Cuando revise las misiones siguientes no observe que debía ir al planeta de hielo! Por alguna razón no vi esa información!
    Veremos si continua automáticamente.
  4. cmguardia

    cmguardia Captain

    Mar 4, 2018
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    Well. The mission continues on the planet of snow. I find the three parts and the consoles ... but without being rained by drones. The drones do not appear.
    I am immediately instructed to travel to the antenna. From there everything is normal until ending in the Mainframe.
    Here again the same problem happens above.
    Just when the message for the next mission appears, I opened the inventory. At that moment, the notice that the mission starts is closed and it does not reopen, remaining as in the previous case. Without giving me marks or anything related to the new directive. I have to go read where the next mission takes place, otherwise I don't know what happens.

    So I travel to the planet and start Ancient Revelations ... without enemies.
    The great ship is empty! Not even the defenses of the ship react to my presence !!.
    Okay. I save the game and restart ... Calculation error! Should have left the ship before saving! Anyway, now everything is normal ... I am bitten, scratched and shot inside the ship when restarting the game. Thousands of enemies throughout the ship and its obvious consequences!
  5. cmguardia

    cmguardia Captain

    Mar 4, 2018
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    This is the last post about it.
    Clearly this is a broken game.
    This is an image of the final area of the ship and it can be seen that the control point has been left far behind.
    No point has been taken for granted. Upon reaching the end and when the completion of the mission was not activated, I have all checked them manually. Thus I have finished the mission of the ILMARINER.
  6. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    How did you manage to get around that non-triggered waypoint? Which is located here (sceenshot) and you only can go the the left (through the red pipes that go boom when you come closer). Did you take any other route?

  7. cmguardia

    cmguardia Captain

    Mar 4, 2018
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    I have not done anything different than the previous times.
    When I restarted the game and was killed, I came back from space and as I approached the ship, shots were heard inside, as if two sides were in a battle. Then an explosion happened. And everything was calm. Then I went in to retrieve my backpack with God mode, go back out and restart the entry in normal game mode. At no point did I see anything else strange. There were soldiers who had not been there before and that is the only difference that I could notice. At no point did I see landmarks that marked my path.
    I could restart another game and verify that it is different.
    Is there a way to reboot by console?

    No he echo nada diferente a las veces anteriores.
    Cuando reinicié el juego y fuí muerto volvi desde el espacio y al acercarme a la nave se escucharon disparos dentro, como si dos bandos estuvieran en una batalla. Entonces sucedió una explosión. Y todo quedó en calma. Entonces entre a recuperar mi mochila con el modo Dios, volver a salir y reiniciar la entrada en modo normal de juego. En ningún momento vi otra cosa extraña. Había soldados que antes no habían y esa es la unica diferencia que yo pude notar. En ningún momento vi puntos de referencia que me marcaran el camino.
    Podría reiniciar otro juego y verificar que es diferente.
    Hay alguna manera de reinicio por consola?
  8. cmguardia

    cmguardia Captain

    Mar 4, 2018
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    Cap3_4.jpg Cap3_4.jpg Cap3_5.jpg Cap3_6.jpg Cap3_7.jpg Cap3_8.jpg
    Germanicus likes this.
  9. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    Thx! I changed the trigger of the waypoint in the current EXP update so it cannot be missed or ticked accidentally.. :) (Requires new savegame, though)
  10. Escarli

    Escarli Rear Admiral

    Dec 13, 2019
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    There might be another oddity in the derelict ship @Hummel-o-War l, I posted in the 'Reworked story missions' thread (post 50). It was an observation after watching a streamer go through it.

    This is where he 'breaks' the mission by doing the ventilation switch before the mission has got to that point.

    And this is after he's done the rest, as you can see the ventilation switch box isn't ticked.

    Once you've used the ventilation switch I don't think you can use it again which means you can't complete that mission.
    Last edited: May 27, 2021
    Germanicus likes this.
  11. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    Hm.. that cannot happen to be honest as the PDA checks for the signal, not for a "use". As soon as you use that lever again .. or several times .. the mission should proceed.

    I tested this several times today and I am afraid I cannot reproduce it in Singleplayer (There is a known issue that signals do not work reliably in MP)

    Is this video somewhere to be found? Hard to tell from a screenshot what might have happened. ;)
  12. Escarli

    Escarli Rear Admiral

    Dec 13, 2019
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    It's on twitch

    Hopefully the link works, tried to link it before but it didn't seem to like it.

    Nope, doesn't seem to like it, sent you the link on discord, hope that's OK?

    Once the lever is used, it can't be used again.
    Last edited: May 27, 2021
  13. cmguardia

    cmguardia Captain

    Mar 4, 2018
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    I did a file check and 7 updates were made.
    I started a new game and went back to ILMARINER and the mission went off without a hitch.
    Everything was point by point, fulfilling without interruptions.
    Before reaching this mission I had to restart the saved game twice since the enemies stop spawning or simply stay still (animals stay still without moving, enemies do not spawn). Everything returns to normal if he exits the game and reloads.

    Realicé una verificación de archivos y se realizaron 7 actualizaciones.
    Comencé un nuevo juego, volví al ILMARINER y la misión se desarrolló sin nada raro.
    Todo fué punto por punto cumpliendose sin interrupciones.
    Antes de llegar a esta misión tuve que reiniciar dos veces el juego guardado ya que por dos veces los enemigos dejan de engendrar o simplemente se quedan quietos (los animales se quedan quietos sin moverse, los enemigos no engendran). Todo vuelve a estar normal si el se sale del juego y se vuelve a cargar.
    Hummel-o-War likes this.

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