Feedback Required Things would be welcome additions to Empyrion

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by garyice, Mar 6, 2021.

  1. garyice

    garyice Ensign

    Mar 6, 2021
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    I am wondering if other players would find them useful or not.

    1. CV/SV/HV alternative energy generation methods. Options for Solarpanels, Wind turbines, motion energy usage to generate electricity on the wehicles ...etc. (more ideas in comments are welcome)

    2. Separate powergrids inside one structure. So lets just say my farm and MY FARM ONLY use the solar energy and some of the selected things...
    Everything else use the generators inside a base. This way I can be sure my plants not die If I made the setup right, and the excess power can go to whatever is calculatable, light lights or containers which use steady power consumption and fit inside solar capabilty.
    (OR option to put distinct bases in the exact same grid as existing bases(without using console commands of course) or a detach option for selected blocks to create "another base" exactly next to the existing one)
    This way We could build a "separate base" with more solar panels for farm, but it would not be separated off completely just a door and there you go you are in "another base"... Before you mention PVP and more turrets... well.... these separated parts could have the same mechanics as docked wessels to prevent abuse of the system.

    3. (not bug abused) Option to have a teleport in the base without completely deplete the power constantly...
    So make them like constructors. (in order to be useable they would eat like 5 or 10 PU constantly) but when used, at the very moment, they would eat a lot for that short period of time. This way we will not be forced to use tricks, for single player...

    BASIC SURVIVAL STUFF included into bases/CVs/SVs/HVs as BLOCKs as well:

    1. O2 condenser, Or whatever that things name. need to fill with batteries and it constatnly creates small o2 bottles, and purified water. So for an option to put a device with the same functionality IN/ON the creations of ours as a block/device.

    2. Autominer. same as above option to incorporate a device into the base IF placed correctly above / near a resource. Obviously IT would not be great to put into a CV or HV or SV... But who knows...

    3. survival constructor... SLOW, RESTRICTED but not eating ANY power at all. Still... good for mass produce easy stuff only using the material cost, nothing more. (could be say these are solar powered by default or such for RP value) The request? OFC a block/device that can be buit into a base / CV or even SV and HV.


    1. Better and more distinct/different NPCs and behaviours.
    I'd really like to have WAAAAAY more option to put down NPCs into my creations as crew, and for better behaviour of them. more lifelike NPCs.

    For example patrolling guards, walking gardeners, officers move a bit sometimes... so they could take a walk or go to another console to "check" things, or collagues, or just simple movements from time to time like skratching head or eating something...etc.
    Maybe they should "notice" us for instance for some seconds turn towards us/ looking at as when we walk nearby.

    2. More Options. Like PETS, cute little furry aliens chased by a cat in front of a HUGE aquarium would be an awesome view inside my bases :D

    3. FIX the existing moving NPCs on POIs.
    Hillarious to go to the trading station to see 3-4 people stuck side by side on a traders desk.
    Give them better AI pathing and more free will :D

    And those aliens Are LOUD as fuck with them hissing sounds. so turn down their volume for like 20% would be cool. As well as the speaking ones... btw getting the same line in each and every 10 seconds...
    Immersion braking


    1. like traders on our OWN bases/CVs

    2. useable crew. Like turret handlers, or janitors, or one who constantly fill up power and oxygen and pentaxid if the need emerges and the assigned container have the necessary materials.

    3. farmer who takes crop yields and put them to the assigned container

    4. logistics officer. If she or he presents in a base/CV/SV all the containers could be connected. and all connection live by default. So for instance if one container has iron plates another has titanium your multitool could upgrades blocks without necessary pre-gathering of materials from all the containers. and such.

    5. wingman(s) I know it is more like a single player feature, but hey WE ARE playing this game too :D
    So option to assing an NPC to one of our ship and she/he follows us when we go to a flight and help us as much as with cargo space and even fight or gather works, would be a cool addition.

    6. Useful guards, so they actually guarding an area, or their patrol route, and help fend off attackers. Not just standing there while alien bugs eat off my ass...

    6. OFC each and every role and added NPC should have ALL races and genders so we can chose which model we want for what post.


    0. More kinds of blocks, and fill the gaps already... :D
    there are some corner elements which are not present for instance one which could be use between the triangle and a half rombus block side.

    0.01 more textures.

    0.02 option to change transparency and custom colors of the glass (not just the frame but on the glass itself)
    Speaking of glass, heavy glass 2x1 and 2x1 corner pieces feel like they are missing too

    0.03 more types of spotlights for vehicles. side attachable sleek ones. so like how deco vents and intakes looks like.

    0.04 one exact blocksized Sphere. and one like half blocksized one centered.

    1. on CV we could have a !!! switch between blocksizes option!!! the SV blocks are 1/4 in each direction of the BIG blocks... So much more new possibilities could be added without creating any NEW blocktype.
    It would mean 64x more detail in a creation... That would be the most awesome thing could happen in this game! on the building side...

    2. AND/OR allow CV to dock to an SV... for addressing those advanced constructor needs in our HUGE ASS SVs :D (AFTER A NECESSARY OVERHAUL of the SVs CPU limits of course.)

    3. MORE modularity options in building would be cool as well. for instance USEABLE parts of CVs/SVs etc.
    That way we could make more specialized "parts" like farms, or extra storage, or engine modules, or turret/weapon modules... and we could switch between them by will at the place where we hold these "parts"
    Do I need a big cargo capacity for my next run ? or should I have the maximum amount of turrets? Or do I need more trust on that bigass gravity planet I plan to check out next? No problem Let me undock this turret modul so I will not have 42 but only like the 10 on the main part of the ship and dock the necessary part I want to use next.
    !!! This would indicate that docked things should WORK just as if they would be the solid part of the main ship.
    OFC with the current restrictions in place... So ppl could not abbuse the system to have like 100000 turrets... :(
    But we could protect our "farm" by detaching it when we plan to go to war... !!!

    4. More options on vehicles for power generation/conservation like solar panels for start
    Serriously... CV without a solar panel in the future???? Even today's space toys have them...
    And wind turbines could be used on every atmospheric movers... If it moves it generates electricity. (I do not even understand why today's cars don't use these things...)
    Long gone the days of the resource consuming generators... :D

    5 MOVING/ROBOTIC parts and wheels.
    So we could create walkers (mechs) Folding stations W-wing kind of ships.... etc, even cars or motorcycles in our own design.
    Wheels would make sense with the "new" atmospheric flight system's... having only rear trusters maybe some frontal ones too and wings, and wheels, like today's airplanes are.
    Rotors... so we could make functional helicopters as well.


    1 More type. Just to be "all" planets unique.
    Having to see triceratops, 2 kind of raptors, and parasaurolopus on every other habitable planet... is just dull.
    Where are all the deers? bears? sabertooth cats, wolves? huge ass herbivores? And crazy alien animals, I mean beside that like the 10 types present already...

    2. I am not asking for birds... but hey... if you have the capacity gooooo for it :D

    3. Aquatic life absolute missing too.

    4. Way more kinds of bushes trees and creative fauna would be a welcome addition too... ( I do like the diversification of the James Cameron's Avatar for instance)

    5. Colectable/raiseable/tameable animals used as pets (Or even as mounts) cute ones, and "demonic/frightening" ones too.

    6. REAL feeling of hunt, so like lungshots, heart shots, spine shots count differently. Also bleedout could be a thing... tracking... bullet drop, and so on...

    7. Options for non-lethal armaments, stunguns, gas grenades (EMP grenades too for the androids and turrets...), electric batoons, netguns ...etc. even a fucking club would be handy in situations :D
    These are for collecting renewable materials, like eggs / milk.... AND pets ofc, to sell or to tame and have them around.


    1. T2 teleporter? for our VERY LONG distance needs. Only 30 LY .... hm... So I have to HOP from base to base to reach the 100 LY away CV(aka moving base) of mine... SHAME... :D

    2. More pentaxid tanks allowed. First of all, the more the better. redundancy is good... and yeah When I want to go for a really long trip... I do not like to stop to refil the tanks on every other jump.

    3. Option for a very fast cruise mode (like 500-1000 m/s) Only straight line set and stop options nothing more.... or small jumps inside a playfield Like a "POI2POI" thingy with the ship. So lock it, Engage and stop just outside guns range.
    This way no need to turn of the brakes and go for a smokebreak just to reach the 23 km away destination... like 10 minutes later...

    4. DID I mention robotic/moving parts? So we could create a whole new type of transportation vehicles, like walkers, and helicopters and such? Did I? Good because that's important :D Almost as important as the solar panels on vehicles. :D


    1. Signals should have the added option to actually flip a switch not just turn it off and on...


    1. Beside the obvious moding tools outside the game...

    2. Gun modding ingame. More scopes, Silencers, different clip sizes, longer/shorter barrels, different fire modes... paint options etc. Kickback effect negating... OFC course all of these could come with negative sideffects beside the obvious positive effects... like for instance longer barrel slower handling/movements, but added range.
    same applies to tools so like drill wider or drill longer, Fill and flatten better... Smooth function to allow us to make not just 0° flats but smooth slopes as well, multitool range or even power modifier. Downsides could me more ammo consumption for these. For the multitool a mod could be some kind of a logistics module. So we do not have to pre-gather the necessary materials from our containers for upgrades (inside wifi range of course)

    3. Armor modding, like adjustable magnifier option when the helmet is on so we can see better the distant things... rangefinder option. Added backpack+adjusted (T2 servos) so we could handle the bigger volumes as well...

    Mods for the drone, like range of operation, automated tasks like disassembling uncored structures, harvesting our gardens, even a mod to use it as personal bodyguard or such.

    4. Bodypart modding... Hello cyberpunk/Deus Ex :D

    5. EPIC stuff preservation... I really like that epic drill I got from a mission... And I will really hate to see it gone forever...

    6 T2 T3 radar... so we could see EVERYTHING in a playfield with one ping.

    Last edited: Mar 6, 2021
    me777, Track Driver and Spoon like this.
  2. Spoon

    Spoon Captain

    Jun 27, 2020
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    I can't see a wind turbine on a ship, it would look ugly. If they make Solapanels more efficient then maybe these.

    More control over power and what uses what would be good.

    You can put a Sensor above the Transporter, with a 1 wide beam down, and then link the Transporter to the Sensor, so that it only comes on (draws power) when you are stood on it.

    People have been asking for this for a bit. Also for the NPC's to have actual jobs they can do.

    More blocks is always good.

    IMO at this present time Wind turbines could not create enough power to run a vehicle.

    Moving parts would be great. I love playing Minecraft because I can create automated projects.

    The sound needs a full overall looking at.
  3. garyice

    garyice Ensign

    Mar 6, 2021
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    Thank you for taking the time and answered/gave opinion.

    As Wind turbine on vehicles I imagine as the intakes of current airplane or car designs and the the device itself is "hidden".
    It is just a tube intake on the front, turbines in the middle, and an outflow hole on the back.

    I know IRL it would not create all the power, but surely could prolong the mileage on an electric car.
    The same could happen ingame just like how solar operates now on bases.

    The sensor trick is a bit diferent on single player. you put the sensor in front of the teleporter, and create a delay signal. so when you step on it it flashes on for a moment, and you teleport away from a "turned off" machine. But I think it is a BUG not a feature.
    If you put the motion sensor over the teleporter it will not trigger the "leave" phase so the teleporter stays on. In MP it works just how you described.
    In the proposed workflow All of this would be in vain. But bugfree :D

    Minecraft :) The same I loved it. Automated chicken farms and such :D

    I should have request the programable circuits too :D
    But for me creating a working mech in empyrion would be one of a dream. I made some replicas of timberwolf, and vulture as a HV or SV, can1t even remember, but those are just eyecandy. not real walking warmachines.... :(

    as for sound... YUP totaly agree. I just listed the most unliked part of it. But sure, some real 3D placement and better and more diverse effects and normalized volume would be cool.
  4. Spoon

    Spoon Captain

    Jun 27, 2020
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    I play single player and I have put the Sensor above and get the Transporter to follow the signal. There was a time when it didn't switch off the Transporter but that was fixed. It's not a bug.
    garyice likes this.
  5. stanley bourdon

    stanley bourdon Captain

    Oct 7, 2018
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    You do realize that this would be a perpetual motion machine and violate the second law of thermodynamics.
  6. garyice

    garyice Ensign

    Mar 6, 2021
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    Why would it? If the wind don't blow trough there is no energy generation at all... :D
  7. garyice

    garyice Ensign

    Mar 6, 2021
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    Oh, That's good to know thanx. Welcomed change for sure.
  8. rtracy

    rtracy Ensign

    Mar 8, 2021
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    The most important thing they could add for this game is a recycling bay. Just like the repair bay only in reverse. You just finish a POI and dock to it a recycling vessel and let it crunch away while you go work another POI. You would still have to deconstruct the blocks, generators, fuel/oxy tanks, etc. but that could technically be automated as your output of your recycling bay could be the input of your deconstructor. Could you imagine the time savings if you could just dock a ship up to a size class 10 base or CV you just took over with a core and then leaving it to work while you go play somewhere else and not have to use a tool turret for 5 hours of clicking and holding. This would be huge to improve game play.

    They should also add a vote for features feature of the forums. so we could vote on our favorite enhancement, bug or feature to bring more visibility to it.
    garyice likes this.
  9. Karl Pennington

    Karl Pennington Ensign

    Mar 12, 2021
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    Would love to be able to plop a block down anywhere... For example, in 7D2D, to set up a ladder to climb the side of a building... In 7D2D, you can put a block down anwhere, that would be nice. Also, the use of the tools on enemy bases... Why not? I tried digging into an NPC base, found it took some 10+ explosives, or many many shots from a plasma blaster... but could not even touch the wall with the tools... Make the need to be super close, weaker, or some other disadvantage, but I would like to waste tool ammo over mines... A feature to automatically level the ship, me... not have to push o everytime. o is way out of the way when using a keyboard and mouse... make it on/off... Thank you.
    garyice and Spoon like this.

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