Thoughts from a returning player

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by The_Holo, Nov 12, 2021.

  1. The_Holo

    The_Holo Lieutenant

    Aug 28, 2017
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    Returning in from the last alpha before 1.0, playing coop (2player) with EAH on dedicated. (new game, default settings) default multiplayer.

    What has happened with the game now that it went gold and had 6 updates since 1.0 ?
    The game looks quite awful still, textures are washed out and everything looks pale.
    Characters and NPC animations are quite bad and they are still floating around with no 'anchor' in the world.
    I thought the dinosaurs were placeholder monsters but seems not.
    The motorcycle is terrible to use with a turning radius of roughly 2 bluewhales.
    Noticed the guns have gotten new artwork, Looking very bland and undistinct now.
    We had been playing for a couple ingame days, maybe a week, and built a base yesterday. (why name the starting planet to something noone can pronounce btw? Sydrustelit. sydgrunkensveda, Sydkraftftw?)

    Nothing fancy, a core underground and some storage and generator and basic stuffs, aswell as a cannonturret we had looted earlier, (which was dearly needed, as we barely managed to craft some ammo for the cannon before ziraxdrones attacked)
    I manned the turret and shot at the drones while my buddy went out and shot at them with a shotgun,
    noticed to my dismay that each turrent took about 20-30 cannonshells before they went down. Luckily it was only two of them so they completely demolished out hovercraft we had built, before it was time to get some sleep.

    Today they attacked again. 4 drones, 2 minigun and 2 rocket drones. we had no chance and they killed us and demolished the base.
    At this point we said fuck this and logged out.
    I really love the idea of the game, and have had lots of fun with it earlier when it had the EA stamp I could not care too much about the rough egdes, but if this is the final 1.0+ version and we're supposed to view it as a complete game, it's a mess.
    If it's supposed to be this punishing for a returning player, what would a new player think about being brutally murdered and having everything destroyed this quickly in the game?
    I still think this game has potential to be great, but it needs to get all the extremely jank polished out.
    stanley bourdon likes this.
  2. It didn't go gold.
    The game is very much still a work in progress, they just removed the early access tag.

    They repeatedly said it did not mean the game was gold release or finished in any way though.

    Everything is still subject to change (many times potentially) still.

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