Translation mixed

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Arsat, May 24, 2022.

  1. Arsat

    Arsat Ensign

    Aug 12, 2015
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    The translation of the game is still totally mixed.
    It's just annoying without end, because on the one hand the npcquest texts and items are translated, but the quests themselves are not. Which can then very well lead to problems.

    Switching to English is also stupid when most things are already translated...

    After 2 years after release, you should really get that right... especially if most of the developers are German anyway and e.g. it doesn't even work in their mother tongue. Really embarrassing.

    Giddy up or down the confusion is embarrassing and really makes you look deep when you can't even get that right... other bugs are even less...

    Dear developers, look up immersion... and then look at your game and please facepalm loudly... thank you...

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