Trojan Horse I- Super Heavy Ground destroyer prototype

Discussion in 'Media - Screenshots, Videos, Streams!' started by Der Boss, Aug 17, 2016.

  1. Der Boss

    Der Boss Ensign

    Oct 15, 2015
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    Hey all,
    I was trying to immitate Trojan Horse as a super heavy ground destroyer ( Possible via HV starter) but i have so many problems regarding the construction. Here is the source of architecture ;

    The problems i am facing are numerous ; to put it shortly;
    - Vehicle does not stand straight ( possibly due to the balance issues of head-tail parts)
    - It does not move like a normal HV, even tho i put a lot of thrusters at both back and sides.
    -It is really big and base of the HV is the middle part (where the people stant in the picture), but since Elevator blocks do not work in HV, i'm trying to figure out a way to get in the vehicle.. :D
    - The turrets are massive- i don't know why they are at their normal sizes.

    I am half way done and i will put a SS of my progress soon, i would like to get some tips regarding this massive HV. ( Yes, it is massive. You can almost call it a CV)

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